Sunday, February 03, 2008

Bring 'em Out of the Dark

Hillary and Obama out did themselves on the illegal alien immigration issue this last debate--aired ad infinitum by CNN. Their position on illegal alien immigration is quite clear--outright amnesty for millions of aliens that according to our laws and public opinion do not have a right, legal or moral, to be in this country. The only people who benefit to any extent by are farmers, meat packers, restaurant owners, motels, hotels, and small construction owners and of course the illegal aliens themselves.
The losers are the American taxpayers and American workers. Public sentiment has been held at bay by ethnocentric groups and politicians who have been bludgeoning their opposition, those who have tried to bring reason and common sense to the issue, with emotional appeals and slogans. Appeals, such as everyone should act "humane", and slogans such as "bringing them out of the dark'; like illegal aliens are like cockroaches? The "humane" appeal has already been addressed in one of my recent blogs, but "bring them out of the dark", a slogan hasn't.
What is involved in the Amnesty program? Well, promised by a reward of "amnesty" the illegal aliens will rush down to some government office to sign up for "the process"; presumably with $3,000 in hand, employment and rental records, and "proof" of who they are, such as a Mexican birth certificate or whatever serves as bone fide ID. Will stolen or faked Social Security numbers or cards serve as "proof" of residency? Then there is the question of English. How fluent in the English language must one be to become a citizen and who determines language competency? A great chance for fraud and deception here. since a lot was overlooked and ignored after the 1986 Amnesty program. Then there is the question of employers--there has been 22 years of breaking the law by employers. We are supposed to be a Nation of laws--right? Excuses aside--many employers put forth the argument that Americans won't work in the fields, meat packing plants, and restaurants. No they wont, at least not for sub-standard wages and working conditions. These businesses have set up working conditions that Americans find it hard to work under--if they are hired in the first place. Most employers hiring illegal aliens use labor contractors to provide workers, and if not they use word of mouth, from illegal alien to illegal alien, to find workers; thus shutting out American workers. The American worker has been deliberately displaced, physically and economically in such industries. But back to 'bring em out of the dark issue'.
The main argument used against enforcing immigration law is "it is impossible to find them and remove them". The physical requirements and costs to enforce a round up of aliens would be costly and hard; true. On the other hand implementing an Amnesty program is even more hard and just as costly. Social Security benefits, welfare, subsidies, administering programs, education, crime, and enforcement, and many other social considerations, make Amnesty on this scale a nightmare.
Then there is the problem of the continuing problem of illegal aliens entering the U.S. Arguments against the "wall" are proof that a wall would work--why else would such strong opposition to it continue? The Big Question is: if the present administration has not enforced immigration laws, and past administration has not enforced immigration laws why then should we trust that a new immigration program, basically a copy of the last Amnesty of 1986, will be enforced? Then add in the disrespect of our laws that caving in to Amnesty will result in. Fool me once, shame on you--fool me twice, shame on me.


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