Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Where's The Outrage?

If any other country had an invasion amounting up to 6% of its own population, 20 million illegal immigrants to a population of 300 million, who then flaunt their presence by marching for special favors, they would be outraged. Why then aren't we?
A comment made by a proponent of amnesty for illegal aliens set me off again on the subject of illegal immigration. The comment was that Conservatives were using "rhetoric" to oppose Amnesty. They don't have to use rhetoric; for their arguments are strong by just stating the facts. Amnesty doesn't work--period. All it did was encourage more illegal entries into the U.S., allow employers to employ cheap labor illegally, bring in more crime and drugs into the U.S., provide a broader base for illegal aliens to spread out throughout our society, increase our taxes in order to provide education and services for aliens, destabilize our politics, encourage pandering and special interest lobbying by our elected officials, and the list goes on. The bottom line is WE, THE PEOPLE, are losing control of our own country. We have been emotionally cudgeled by the proponents of Amnesty so badly that we have given up our survival instinct. Where we should be expressing outrage all that is heard is a faint murmur from a few against an invasion of our country by millions--with many more coming.
If the proponents of Amnesty have their way the numbers of illegal aliens will increase exponentially--that is if the next step isn't open borders, where the only sign of a border is a sign saying "You'all Come On In Now--Free Medical Care, Education, Country". A major highway from Mexico into the U.S. is now being planned--the old roads are sufficient for the next wave of illegal immigrants who will come in when the next regime is in place.



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