Solutions To High Gas Prices
Like the weather everyone gripes about high gas prices but no one seems to have any real solutions to the problem.
Not much has changed in the past year to give cause for speculators to bid up the price for oil--now about $135 a barrel. Not in real terms anyhow. The price for oil has wrought some changes of course--higher food prices, transportation costs and the like, which has caused some changes of course. What has changed is talk about what might happen and the speculators are betting that havoc will cause oil shortages from which they can profit. A bunch of Chicken Littles hoping the sky will fall.
Our government is worse than worthless--calling up oil executives in front of them so they can make the sign of the cross over them and mumble compliments. So what is the solution?
Corporations and investment people are not dumb, they can see a train coming at them and step aside to avoid it. There has to be real hard proposals made. Proposals that has some teeth. The oil and investment people are not about to solve the problem about high gas prices and availability if there is less profit in it for them. Threaten to take away their profits and they might respond. What would do that?
Nationalize energy. The high prices and eventual depletion of oil is a matter of National Security. What better reason than that for nationalization? The U.S. needs more refineries to keep up with gasoline production and the oil industry is not going to spend billions of dollars to increase gasoline production, which is necessary to reduce gas prices. The oil industry is not going to spend billions of dollars converting coal to oil. The competition with oil would bring oil prices down.
Another part of the solution is to regulate investment. Who is doing all the speculation and are they investing on the up and up? No one knows, and they should.
Convert coal to oil. South Africa is doing so and we should too. That would reduce the drain on our national treasure. Billions of dollars is being pipelined to other countries just so we can get to work and shop. Money that could be used much more wisely here at home.
Do away with oil subsidies. If the oil companies want to stick it to us then turn about is fair play.
Then there is another part of the solution; getting rid of Congressmen and women who represent oil companies instead of the people. It is so obvious for who they stand for that it is a wonder that they have lasted as long as they have.
Then there is the National Media. I listened to Glenn Beck the other day talking about nuclear power being the answer to reducing gasoline prices. Where has he been all his life? Nuclear plants generate electricity. We don't have plug in electric cars and trucks as yet so I fail to see his logic there. He talked about ANWR and how drilling there would help bring down gas prices. At the most the region would provide us with less than two years of oil--we use 7 billion barrels of oil a year and at most there might be in ANWR 10 billion barrels, which would take 10 years to begin production.
So, anyone have any other ideas?
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