Guns versus No Guns
The U.S. ruled finally that the U.S. Constitution's 2nd Amendment applies to individuals as well as militias--what a Surprise! It has been man's right to have and bear arms ever since man realized what a stick or a rock could do. The way the 2nd Amendment was written clearly states two things; that we can form militias and have the right to possess and bear arms. Our ancestors found that their government was too tyrannical and took up arms, their own arms in many cases, to throw off the yoke of tyranny. The Constitution was written so as to clearly delineate what the government could do and could not do regarding controlling people's freedom. The 2nd Amendment gives the people the means to fight and change a possible future tyrannical government that would use methods and means to arbitrarily control, abuse, and restrict law abiding citizens. An individual has the right to possess arms at least as strong as the governments and as strong as others who may unlawfully accost them in their homes or engaged in normal activities.
Many citizens are fearful of anyone possessing guns and even what amounts to a phobia of guns themselves. Logic and reason are not going to change their minds for this fear, or other strong emotional motivators, are going to trump any and all arguments that anyone can present for gun possession, no matter how logical or reasonable these arguments may be. The anti-gun advocate's fear is visceral and deep. In some it is a form of religion. The very fact that logic and reason has little effect on many people is a good example of why their reasoning is wrong for they expect that wishful thinking is a strong weapon against criminals. The think that wishful thinking is enough of a weapon to stave off harm, that the police are enough of a force to protect them. Criminals do not attempt to prey on the strong, they prey on those they consider weak. A lawful citizen with a gun is not weak. An armed citizenry is the best counter to crime, for even if some opt not to carry or possess guns the uncertainty factor will be a deterrent to many potential criminals. The disarming of a populace is a wide open invitation for criminals to arm themselves or operate in gangs against average citizens. The argument will go on forever, or at least as long as a "civilized" society exists.
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