Friday, September 05, 2008

Turn Over of Anbar Province

The Bush administration has been very proud of its "surge" success but is self congratulations may be premature because of the recent turn over of Anbar Province to the Shia dominated Iraqi government.
Anbar has been a success story since the U.S. recognized Sunni self determination but that may change since the Shia have been at odds with the Sunnis for many generations and some Shia may see the turn over as an opportunity to pay back the Sunnis for their former harsh treatment of the Shias. It is a good chance that violence may flare up in the whole of Iraq if the U.S. relinquishes complete control of that portion of Iraq.
There is no real victory to be had in that region; our only hope will be to be able to leave that region without violence springing up soon after we leave and/or that Israel will not be attacked by a collalition of Iraq, Iran, and Syria--with maybe Egypt and Jordon joining in.



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