Why We Need an Investigation of the Bush Administration
Nixon, Reagan, Walker Bush, G.W. Bush all perpetrated crimes against the Constitution and the American People. Shadow governments, illegal government operations, criminal activity, unconstitutional acts, acts against humanity, and much much more. Their excuse--to protect Americans and America. Unpatriatic acts for patrioutism sake.
It needs to stop before it becomes "precedent". When a Presidential administration succeeds in a criminal act the next administration expects to be able to do the same, only more so. Nixon stated that when a President does something "illegal" it is lawful.
The following Republican administrations established illegal operations headquarters right in the White House and when confronted destroyed all the documents pertaining to the operations and blatantly lied to cover up.
The G.W. Bush administration wiretapped American citizens with impunity, engaged in institutionalized torture, invaded another country without cause, and imprisoned American citizens without due process of law. All of this under the assumption that it was legal because the President and administration said it was legal, and where there might be arguments against the justification lawyers were brought in to write up legal justification for the acts. All of this smacks of what the Nazis in Germany did to justify their heinous acts.
All of these activities need be brought to light and measures taken to prevent future similar acts, for not to do so is to threaten our Democracy.
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