Monday, April 26, 2010

Immigration: "If It Walks Like a Duck, Quacks Like a Duck,...."

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it must be a duck--right?  Proponents of "comprehensive immigration reform" for the most part look Hispanic i.e.; are olive complected, dark haired, brown eyed, often speak with an accent, as though they were speaking a secondary language, with Spanish being their primary language.  Oh, I am guilty of racially profiling!  We all racially profile people; its almost impossible not to do--most of us would pick out an Englishman by his talk and ruddy complexion, or a Sikh by his turbin and swarthy complection.  What is racial profiling anyhow?

During WWII GIs picked out German infiltrators by asking questions most Americans would know, like who won Baseball's World Series. Hardly racially profiling.  Police use similar tools in determining who is who--like "whats your social security number, where were you born and when?  What schools did you attend and where are they located?"  "Do you have a valid drivers license?"  If the answers are bogus it is natural to follow up with asking for citizenship papers.  Of course the questions follow a stop for some infraction, such as speeding, broken or malfunctioning tail light, public disturbance, or outright crime.  It is nothing new, police use simple infractions to get you for not wearing a seat belt, or check you for insurance, or drinking while driving. Is stopping and checking fair.  Barack Obama faulted the new Arizona law as being unfair. 

Where is the unfairness?  The unfairness seems to lie with the illegal aliens; for they have been taking advantage of American's hospitality.  Pregnant aliens cross the border to have their children in U.S. hospitals free of charge, at the same time obtaining U.S. citizenship for their children.  The aliens demand special treatment regarding immigration; amnesty, citizenship before others, jobs, sanctuary, free medical treatment, social security, allowed to break laws, such as false papers, identity, and the list goes on.  I would say 12 to 20 million illegal aliens in this country is more than fair.   



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