Wednesday, November 16, 2011

To Occupy or Not to Occupy, that is the questiion

The Occupy movement must communicate with the public or wither away as just another phenomenon.  They are communicating amongst themselves but the public has very little idea of progress being made, if any is being made.  No spokesmen or women is speaking to the public on what the demands are.  For a movement to be a movement there must be wrongs to be righted, in specific terms.  Demands for regulation of banking and the stock market for instance.  No manipulation of stocks, hedge funds, derivatives etc.  Why does a barrel of oil go for over $100 per barrel?  Why aren't alternative fuels and energy being promoted by our government when it is obvious that soon we will be coming up short in oil production?  Yes, we have lots of oil but when you consider humans use 24 billion barrels of the stuff each year and demand grows at over 1.25% each year it will be used up in 35 years--and have shortages in 15 to 20 years from now.  The U.S. uses up 7 billion barrels of oil each year and has proven reserves in the ground of only 21 billion--that's three years worth. 
We need more transparency in government and business.  Decisions behind closed doors effect us all and in a democracy everyone should have a voice.  When police attack demonstrators in the middle of the night, jabbing with nightsticks, spraying faces with pepper spray that is not democracy but the arrogance of tyranny. 
It is not enough to occupy space.  There must be a voice to a movement and above all goals.  Where is that voice? 



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