Saturday, June 14, 2014

What's this World Coming To?

It has been a while since I blogged here.  I had thought that most ideas that I had been writing about was being covered by those in the media or those representing us in government; such as  propaganda, government infringement on civil rights, corporate greed, comprehensive immigration and the like.

Some of the forecasts that I had made--such as government infringement on the privacy of U.S. citizens was dead on.  Only I had been pointing the finger at the FBI instead of the NSA.  Someone with the power had to be doing it and being a domestic matter it seemed likely that the FBI would be doing it.  I believe that it is likely they have a secret eavesdropping section that is doing large scale bugging of citizens that they suspect of doing criminal activities.  They also might be getting information gleaned by the NSA in their domestic operations.  If I wanted to do away with criminal gangs and criminal organizations that is what I would do, with the permission (or not) from judges set up to give such permission of course. 

I was right about one thing and that is we are engaged in a Third World War.  Oil and religion are the main causes of it.  Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Pakistan, are all involved in some way of producing, refining, and transporting oil.  Others, such as Somalia, Yemen, are drawn into the conflict because of military actions and religious ferment in adjacent countries. Their proximity to oil can be in itself be a factor. 

Oil is the major cause of the war--that and religion.  Religion is just the tool used to gain political power.  Oil is the means. 

Religion has always been an easy way for the few to gain power over large numbers of people.  It is also a convenient means to justify atrocities.  "God says, kill all those who would oppose him",

Those who espouse to being close to god, and  are able to convince others that they are close to god, become the voice of their god, and who is going to deny god? 

Oil is the means by which the few can dominate the masses. Religious leaders take control over the oil, which then provides the means to buy the guns and ammunition needed to slaughter those who do not follow their religious leaders.

Politics is grotesquely warped by the industrial nation's need for oil.  Nations that we would have little reason normally to associate closely with are now our bosom buddies.  All on account of their reserves of oil.  Foreign leaders, who we would normally shun, are wined and dined and are given our protection.  Our foreign and domestic politics have become so entwined that it is nearly impossible to adhere to our guiding principles and ideals as set down in our Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

Ideology has replaced reason to such an extent that our government cannot govern.  The majority of the people are not being served, represented.  Devices such as gerrymandering are being used to subvert our democracy.  Any means possible is being used to take advantage of the system.  The U.S. Supreme Court has even gotten into the act by allowing individuals and corporations to use their wealth to drown out weaker voices.

The conservatives make promises parallel to that of the democrats but when you try to pin them down as to details they fail to provide details. They say they will do away with Obama Care and replace it with something like Obama Care.  Would their plan have provisions allowing those with existing conditions to have insurance without additional costs.  Would their plan have extended insurance for college students?  The simple fact is out there--conservatives represent the insurance companies, not the average citizen.  When they say "the people want this or that" they mean the corporations want this or that.

In the past we did have some leaders who represented the people and great strides were made to better the conditions of the people; who were by and large newly arrived immigrants. Working conditions were terrible and unsafe:  they were improved and made better after many had been injured or killed.  There was a time when people were listened to.  Not now.  Instead we get Fox (laughable) News, whose message is Propaganda.  Remember Propaganda in this blog site if you are unfamiliar with the techniques used to get people to jump through hoops. 

If the situation weren't so serious our government's antics would be laughable.  Congressmen's actions are blatantly unpatriotic.  It seems that there should be an ethical guideline to follow, that stipulates that the people shall be represented without bias or thoughts of monetary or political rewards from individuals, parties, or corporations and that a prerequisite amount of time will be spent doing the people's work and not engaged in trips or campaigning on the people's time. 

More to follow...       


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