Taxes: Really Your Money?
No one likes to pay taxes, probably since Sumerian times man has been paying taxes to pay for government services--like roads, temples, sewers, water works, armies and such.
The main refrain nowadays is, "its my money and they have no right to it," "Smaller government is the answer." Yet, these same people demand big ticket items like aircraft carriers, stealth bombers at 1.5 billion each, Homeland Security, unnecessary wars, and the like. We like clean and available water, streets plowed, freeways, airports, safe air transportation, sewers and treatment plants, police, first responders, gps, and the list goes on almost to almost infinity. All these services are what makes our country productive; and who benefits greatly by it all? Everybody, including corporations. The share of responsibility has been calculated out over many generations, going back thousands of years. The formula is ancient--those that benefit the most, have the most to contribute money wise, pay the most--or that is the way it is supposed to be. Since the early 1900's the formula has been tweaked, the many, the least able to pay, are paying the most, and those most able to pay have bought off politicians so as to avoid as much as possible paying taxes. Money means power. Those who make money with money do so by buying power, and that power makes sure those who make money with money keep money. The more money they keep gives them more power to keep money, and so the cycle goes. Meanwhile, streets that don't serve those with money go untended. Water that doesn't go to those with money becomes polluted. The Security that is supposed to protect the public becomes instruments of the wealthy, watching the masses who may threaten the wealthy. Corporations become people, with the infinite voice of money. Those who make money with money have the soul of money; without pity or empathy, a class of sociopaths.
Labels: taxes, the wealthy
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