Occupy versus Tea Party
The main difference in activity between the Occupy movement and the Tea Party is that the Tea Party has a well oiled and healed Propaganda Machine working for it. The Republicans/Conservatives have been promoting The Tea Party as a spontaneous movement when in fact it is mostly composed of Conservatives disassociated from the G.W. Bush flavored Republican Party. The Republicans/Conservatives had to "create" a new party in order to escape the finger pointing from their own members and from the Left and Independents such as myself. What with all the publicity by a gullible and self serving media and an opportunistic Right Wing hogging microphones and soap boxes at every opportunity a "new movement" was born; one without all the bad baggage attached to it.
It appeared for a time that the Republican Party would never recover, but recover it has,as powerful, if not more powerful than before. How is this possible?
Money and the influence it can buy is the main reason. Like I have written in the past, "follow the money" Money buys people's cooperation and efforts. It buys the message; public opinion means votes in favor of those wielding the money. If there is doubt, pay attention to allthe ads being bought by oil, gas, energy companies and others trying to buy good will and influence.
The Occupy Movement has had very little coverage compared to the Tea Party coverage. The Occupy message is not being articulated well by those engaged in it and by the media. For instance, the Conservatives have "demonized" the Occupy movement by constantly referring to the movements members as being rapists and drug abusers, unwashed, hippies etc. The Tea Party took a revolutionary symbol, Tea, as being their transfer symbol--a ploy to associate themselves with patriotism and therefore representatives of all Americans. The Tea Party has been covered by the media in depth--but can this be said about the Occupy Movement? Can a 99% sign stand up to a dangling tea bag? Both movements demand government reform but which one is the most legitimate? The Right has the full weight of the Right Wing propaganda machine behind it. The Occupy movement has at best UTube. Where are the Occupy Movement testimonials? Who are the 99%? Are they homeless, jobless, underpaid, down trodden, doctors, accountants, mechanics, carpenters, construction workers, auto workers, and generally just fed-up?
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