Monday, November 21, 2011

U.S. Trend Toward Fascism

I've written before, during G.W. Bush's reign about America's leaning toward Fascism--authoritarian corporations, an intrusive government, abduction of American citizen's and depriving them of due process of law, a Right leaning Supreme Court and judiciary--now it is pepper spraying by police of peaceful demonstrators, absolving local governments by State government where the local government is dismissed and city assets taken over by State government.  What is next?  The taking over of State and Local governments by the Federal Government?  Where does the arrogance of won power end? 

I've studied to some extent the Nazification of Germany and the abuse of power starts with the blatant assumption of power and the disregard for democratic process, such as the right to peaceful assembly and the voicing of dissent against those who are abusing them, taking over their rights.  Instead of racial discrimination those being set apart for ridicule and abuse are the poor and middle class.  It would seem that numbers should win out but history teaches us that a determined minority, one holding political power, can intimidate, beat into submission, persuade, hoodwink, a confused and dispirited public--as Goebbels would say, "the masses". 

The Right has found our "buttons" to push.  Ditto Heads pass on propaganda slogans and talking points passed down to them by propaganda mills and propagandists--so called Think Tanks headed by partisan academics and rich donators.  Pollsters interview and test the waters, finding which words or slogans that elicit positive or negative emotions.  Those words are then used against us in order to shift public opinion for goals that benefit the few rather than the many.  Propaganda works--look what happened to Germany.  A whole nation was sold a bill of goods and millions of persons paid the price.  A promising technological and industrial nation was totally destroyed.  Our populace today is toying with Fascism--looking away as our rights are being legislated away, as government agencies are coordinating efforts against a peaceful populace.  Police are coordinating strategizing nationwide and feel free to pepper spray passive resisters.  Occupy Wall Street should expand their efforts to include the steps of Congress, to make legislators aware that Congressional arrogance and disregard for the public welfare has future consequences--those voted in can be voted out. 


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