The Durbin Apology
Some Democrats are really simple-minded, of all the true things they could be saying they instead have to make up stupid stuff. I've used the Nazi analogy myself but not to specifically label Republicans Nazis, or that they are totalitarians--not yet anyway.
That the Republicans are using methods similar to that used by the Nazis I do believe to be a fact.
Case in point: Their reliance only on propaganda to sway public opinion--by using transfer symbols (flags, aircraft carriers, jump suits, partisan crowds) name-calling, demonizing opponents, labels, slogans, the over-use of virtue words, distortions, exaggerations, repetition, manipulating the media--just to name a few propaganda ploys the Republicans are using to gain and hold political power. The Republicans have more than a three-to-one advantage over the Democrats in "spin-tanks". Other similarities to the Nazis are:
Super spy agencies, reliance on public surveillance, secret FISA judges, whisked away prisoners, concentration camps, using terror incidents for political purpoes (remember the Reichstag?)--all have historical precedence. The Nazis had Poland, the U.S. has Iraq; who's next? Is the word "Democracy" just another word for "Lebensraum"?
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