The Fuss about Rep. Murtha
The Repubs are at it again--creating Strawmen out of those they wish to delegitimize. They are afraid of an honest debate and the Iraq issue is a prime example of the Republicans lack of ethics. It is about time, long past due in fact, for an open and honest debate. The Administration has done an excellent job of using every propaganda trick in the book; from using "patriotism" to demonizing anyone or country who might bring up contrary arguments to the issues. The Administration holds up Democracy as a holy ideal, yet try to squelch the very essence of it--information and knowledge. Semantics--misled or lies? What difference do the words make when the result is an ignorant and confused electorate? The game may be up if the Democrats, and ethical Republicans, discount the propaganda and insist on truthful answers. The "deny and attack" tactics of the Administration may no longer be useful since much of the electorate is becoming immunized against it. Making Representative Murtha into a "Strawman" to attack and condemn is backfiring and rightfully so. It may not be a lie but it is sure misleading!
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