Bush's "Terrorist Surveillance Program"
What a "crock". The same old propaganda techniques the administration has been engaging in since it was voted in. Euphemisms, slogans, half-truths, media manipulation--and the media gives it a wide berth. Would Bush let a select partisan few in on the secret if he wasn't on the up-and-up? Damn right he would, and it is called "cover your ass", rear-guard action, and downright deception. The Republican administrations are adept at it, Reagan lied about Iran-Contra until he was pinned down, then came out boldly about it, just like G.W. Bush has. He can't deny it but he can throw up a lot of smoke to cover up what he actually did. In the Iran-Contra affair Colin Powell lied to Pentagon Generals about Congress being notified that arms were being procured by the CIA to be used to trade for hostages. Congress was "informed" later at the 12th hour, at the last legal minute, about the arms. Republicans are great at giving out "half-truths" and putting up a bold patriotic front when they engage in illegal activities.
You don't have to be a lawyer to deduce that the President did a no-no and that there is a lot more going on than listening in on Al Qaeda terrorists from abroad. If that were the true case there wouldn't be a need for subterfuge.
Where are the "news hounds", the Woodward's and Bernsteins? Where is the journalistic killer instinct? Has this Administration been able to immasculate the great freedom loving First Amendment protecting American Press? Or are they too busy obsessing about journalistically "safe" disasters, mysteries, and crimes?
When this administration gets into trouble it goes on the road and lies, lies, and lies. It uses propaganda--and if that word doesn't mean anything to you there are plenty of internet sites that are capable of enlightening you. With it the administration sold a war that was not legitimate, cowed dissent and debate on it, and sold the stupid idea that not taxing the wealthy is better than "taxing" the middle class.
The economy is "strong" because of low interest rates and run-amok borrowing, not because we have a healthy economy brought on by not taxing the economic elite. When the public can not borrow any longer, and the debts pile up to where they cannot pay them, the bubble will burst and the true nature of the economy will be revealed.
No, this adminstration is a house of cards, built up with lies, half-truths, bullying, and arrogance. It is a magnificent con-job.
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