Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Eliminating Terrorism

If the U.S. wants to eliminate the threat to itself from terrorism the solution is simple--get out of the Middle East and stop being partisan in its dealings between the Arabs and Israel. Bush keeps saying the terrorists are attacking us because they hate freedom. That is a crock and if he actually believes that then we are in a lot of trouble.
He made the statement, in a recent speech, that one of the ways to protect the American people is to understand the intentions of the enemy and the way to do that is to monitor their phone calls. He must think they (and us) are really stupid if he figures they are going to reveal their plans over the telephone or e-mail. Ever hear of encryption Mr. President?
He is real loose in the use of the words "protect the American people". He does a lot of "protecting" when he is constantly on the road trying to do a "sell job" on everyone. "Protecting" should be a full-time job, I'd think, yet he spends a lot of time flying AirForceOne around the country, especially to Texas, giving speeches. It would be interesting to compare his air time to Clinton's, or his father's. But back to the Middle East and terrorism.
I notice that Israel has had many fewer terrorist attacks since they put up their wall. Something the U.S. should make note of to deal with its own border problem. We can afford to give the Israelis 2-3 billion dollars a year so they can put up fences and make nuclear bombs. I'd think we could scrape up a like sum to put up our own wall (fence) to keep out illegals, drug dealers, criminals, and terrorists.
However, back to terrorism--we have a terrorist threat because of--? Bush says the idea of freedom just drives jihadists crazy and makes them want to fly airplanes into our buildings and kill thousands of us. If freedom is the issue why don't they go after France, Italy, Germany as well, they have Freedom and are a lot closer and easier to bomb. Maybe it is the statue of Liberty that drives them crazy--she is a woman after all.
Or is the terror threat driven by our arrogant politics and bullying of OPEC? The jihadists have repeatedly made statements that the reason they are doing their terrorist thing is because we have troops on "their land" and support unpopular Arab dictators and support Israel.
Has Bush got it all wrong? Naaw! He is never wrong--look at why we went into Iraq--to save the Iraqi people from a "madman" and cruel tyrant, to give them Freedom! Didn't they throw flowers before our advancing troops? Never mind the chemical weapons, the biological weapons in trailers, and nuclear facilities--all not found.
We have plenty of money to spend, that is why we give tax breaks to the wealthy. We have a lot of suprlus cash around to cover such disasters such as Katrina. Didn't the Democrats warn that tax breaks would eliminate a surplus that might be needed to cover hurricanes and such? Naw, Bush is never wrong.


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