Friday, May 19, 2006

It's Only Fair

It is only fair that if illegal immigrants have to pay back taxes and fines that their employers should do so as well. After all if illegal immigrants must prove that they have been here five years or more then they should come totally clean, clean the slate if you will, by fingering those employers that illegally hired them in the first place. A real can of worms. Employers that hired a few illegals amongst many others that were legal should get by without fines and back taxes etc. but those who hired predominantly illegal workers should be fined at least $5,000 to $10,000 for each infraction. Hiring scores of illegals means a lack of due diligence in obeying the laws on the books. Why should the tax payer be saddled with all these added expenses incurred by reason that employers were encouraging illegal aliens to sneak over our border work in jobs they knew were available for the asking--no real embarrassing questions asked.
Once the illegal aliens try to prove that they were here for a period of time a crime or crimes would then be discovered, which by law must be punished. For our Legislators and Law Enforcement to ignore crimes on the books places them in "the abetting and aiding" category, accessories after the crimes; if you want to get real technical.
Going after employers who have been hiring illegal aliens should reduce the ardor for "Amnesty". Another point--employers who want to bring in more aliens to work should have to provide medical insurance for those workers, as the taxpayer should not have to foot the bill for any medical expenses that those workers may incur while working in the U.S. Seems only fair.
By the way amnesty means forget--the law does not forgive, it can forget--God forgives; so far GW Bush hasn't attained that title yet.


At May 19, 2006 9:54 AM, Blogger BellaDonna21 said...

You're absolutely right. If our current legislators and law-enforcers don't enforce the laws currently on the books, what should make us think that they would enforce new ones?

We should penalize ANYONE aiding and abeiting illegal immigrants; whether it be their employers, universities, friends or family.
Illegal immigrants have broken U.S. laws, so that makes them criminals-----Anyone else who broke the law would be punished. Why are they being excluded?

Nice blog, by the way. Insightful comments.


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