Amnesty--For Who?
Since the Administration, and our Legislators, do not seem to care about implementing the desires, needs, wants of the 280 million American citizens in this country it doesn't really follow that they are caring about some 10 to 20 million illegal aliens in this country--so who are they really representing in this Amnesty thing? Why Corporations and Big Business that is who!
Amnesty for the illegal aliens really means Amnesty for all those who have been breaking the laws about hiring illegal aliens. The handwriting is on the wall; American citizens are beginning to become aware of the threat to our sovereignty that hoards of illegal aliens entering this country poses. Putting up fences and hiring more guards isn't going to stop the inflow entirely and the only real solution to the problem would lie in enforcing the existing laws on the books about illegal hiring. That means a lot of those cronies of GWB would be in the crosshairs of law enforcement soon. So the real "benefit" of Amnesty would be for the Corporations.
Which brings up a point about quid pro quo--donations to campaigns to buy off politicians so that they, the Corporations, can keep on hiring illegal aliens.
Compassion and Good Samaritan appeals aren't arguments but ploys that appeal to our emotions rather than to our heads. I haven't heard one good logical argument put forth by those who want Amnesty for the illegal aliens. Not one. Their so-called facts are distortions, emotional appeals, and exaggerations.
The polls give Amnesty a headsup, which is surprising to me--just goes to show that Propaganda works; like appeals to Compassion and being a Good Samaritan. But such propaganda lasts only for a time before people get wise to it. That is why there is such a push on at the moment to move legislation for Amnesty through.
Promises were made back in 1986 and broken. Now some of the same players are promoting nearly the same agenda--what gall! Next go around 20 to 40 million illegal aliens will be clamoring for "their rights" and another Kennedy will be using the same old argument about "Compassion" and "Good Samaritans".
GWB will be using his same old formula--"trust me, we need a guest worker program that allows in workers for jobs Americans don't want." The Iraq war is going to cost us over a trillion dollars, how much will the Amnesty and guest worker program cost us? How many times has he been right?
You need to lean a little back to the center or something. Your rantings are those of a paranoid schtzo. Do you see danger behind every rock or do you just watch too many movies. Go read a good book for a change so that your blog will not be about you but something of substance.
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