Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Bush Still Counting His Chickens

GW Bush is still counting his chickens before they are hatched--remember "Mission Accomplished". Iraq exemplifies Bush's inability to grasp complex issues. His counting victory upon Iraq's selection of a PM is pure and simply stupid. The chances of a government forming out of this mess is less than 50%; with a higher percentage going for a civil war. Mission accomplished, indeed! His predictions for hydrogen power is bogus.
Electric cars, fuel cells, hydrogen powered vehicles, fusion etc. are all pie-in-the-sky wishful thinking. For decades they have been predicting--in the nest 10 years we will have a breakthrough and everything will be hunky-dorry. It is all a big put off, a scam, by the government and the car-oil industry, loosely cooperating to milk the most out of oil holdings and car consumers.
In my two articles in American Survival Guide, July and September 2000 issues, I laid it all out in "The Big Crunch" and "Oil Alternatives" , predicting the mess we are in now, and will be in the future. I'd recommend obtaining the articles through your library. It would be helpful in understanding the issue and what we can be doing about it. This administration has been scamming the public in order to create the most favorable business climate for oil and industry (Corporate America) that they can--at the expense of the "Middle Class". What should they have been doing? Legislating better gas mileage, encouraging alternative fuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, giving tax credits for wind and solar power, and encouraging using coal for making syngas--like is being done in South Africa.
It was estimated that synthetic petroleum could have been made for $45 a barrel--at the now $75 per barrel price that would seem to be a bargain. But making gasoline from coal would hurt the oil industry maybe. Ethanol and biodiesel are not likely to be pushed as alternatives because they can be made by small operators, even by farmers themselves, and the oil industry would lose their monopoly if we went that route.
We cut our gas consumption by half in 1973--a big shock to the oil industry--and it has only been till recently that we reached that high consumption rate; thanks to everyone buying SUVs. The public can be blamed in part for the mess we are now in but I have to put most of the blame on the corporations for hyping the vehicles and creating a market for them.
No, the government and industry could have prevented the predicament we are now in but that would have hurt someone's profits.


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