Y'All Come
Y'All Come on in, the government won't do anything about it. Good pay, friendly folks, stay as long as you want, get free medical, even citizenship. Get free education for your kids, send them to college, automatic citizenship if you have your kids here. What a deal and all paid for by someone else.
Work hard and you become a citizen. Never mind that sneaking over the border might push someone else out of line for citizenship, there should be a quota--but if not, sneaking over the border and working hard is the standing immigration policy, the road to citizenship. Laws don't mean much in this country, unless you are in the middle-class, then you have to declare your wages, pay taxes, and obey all the laws. Americans are repeatedly being lied to and sold out by our legislators and administrations. In 1986, the Amnesty Program was to "solve" the problem--then the provisions that would have solved the problem were promptly ignored.
Compromise in this case is no solution. Any provisions in it will be ignored and we will end up with 11 to 20 million more poor uneducated to provide for--that is until they have lots of kids then that number will jump to 50 million or more. We are buying a pig in a poke if you get my drift.
We should legislate one issue at a time. Legislate the border problem first. Then legislate what to do with the unlawful foreign nationals next (as separate issues). Then legislate the guest worker program. The issues are then not tied together and get watered down to nothing or bad legislation.
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