Illegal "Immigration"--A Growing Disaster
The Polls indicate it isn't a "big issue" now, but just wait a short while--it will be. Politicians are in "panic mode" at the moment, as they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. I don't feel sorry for them because they have been ignoring or mistreating the issue for a long time now and it is finally catching up to them--and unfortunately "us" as well.
Politicians are great at manipulation but not at solving problems. Their remedy is to throw up their hands and say "we can't solve the problem because it will displace too many people". Wrong! The answer to the problem is to make them displace themselves back to Mexico or wherever. Right now they have carte blanche to find jobs, open businesses, buy homes, get free medical care, and all without much fear of getting caught. If they did not have all those benefits and opportunities they wouldn't be here in such large numbers. As it is they get a free ride back to the border, no fines or punishment imposed on them, and in a few days they are back in the U.S.
If they didn't have those jobs, business opportunities, etc. they would return to where they came from. Most of them wouldn't need to be rounded up by the immigration authorities; which is an action that most legislators feel would lose them votes and cause a ruckus. Here is out it could be done.
Legislate a law that would fine employers for hiring workers that couldn't prove legal status, such as citizenship visas, or green cards to work. The fine to be $10,000 for each illegal worker. Green cards would have to be verifiable (an easy thing to do really). Ignorance of status would not be an excuse.
Give illegal foreign nationasl residing in the U.S. a six month "get out of town" moratorium. After that they would be subject to six months incarceration (working in the fields) then returned to the border. The second instance would merit an additional six months; i.e., one year for the second offense.
Impose the existing labor and health laws that are already on the books. Since many illegal foreign nationals rent out houses and then fill them up wall to wall there should be health, zoning laws, etc. that would discourage that sort of activity. Why the IRS isn't cracking down on employers that hire illegal foreign nationals and pay them under the table in order to avoid payroll and other taxes I don't understand. The backdoor amnesty has a major flaw to it.
Ted Kennedy didn't clarify one point--when illegal foreign nationals go back to the end of the line (still in line) does that mean other applicants for citizenship would be crowded out and not get in line; or does that mean we get a huge influx of additional immigrants over what we would normally let in? In other words do we gain 10 to 20 million immigrants over the 1 or 2 million per year we allow in now?
Allowing that many aliens into the U.S. all with a similar cultural background, skews our "American" identity out of whack. Do Americans want to have Spanish as a second language, fly the Mexican flag (under or over the American flag), and have Cinco de Mayo as a National Holiday?
Americans had better consider the on-going alien invasion, and its consequences. As it is we are very close to giving up our birthright.
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