Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Illegals Invoking Squatters Rights?

Advocates for illegal immigration are now invoking "squatter's rights" as a reason for allowing foreign nationals, now residing in this country illegally, the right to stay and gain citizenship. It worked when Europeans first came to the Americas so there is a precedent established that gives people the right to take over by using physical occupation of a country. However, there comes a time when someone has to draw the line and rule it an invalid method for occupation. So far that doesn't seem to be the case.
Lying seems to be the rule by advocates of illegal immigration--that's all they have. Case in point--Governor Richardson stated last night that it would cost too much to enforce existing or pending laws, to send illegals back and enforce labor laws, and then went into a long litany of means by which they could fine illegals, give background checks, establish residency etc.--all of which would be harder to do than enforcing existing and pending laws. In effect Richardson lied.
As I mentioned in a previous blog costs of the enforcement program could be financed, at least in part, by fines on employers who hire illegals. The savings, by reducing welfare, education, medical costs, would be another way to "finance" immigration enforcement.
Then of course there is "Homeland Security". What a farce! I'm no expert but I could at least figure out how to secure our borders and ports better than what is being done at the moment. Border enforcement and immigration enforcement are linked at some points so expenses could be shared--a savings?
At any rate; squatters rights does not qualify anyone for citizenship in this country. It is just another lame reason for illegal activity.


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