Saturday, April 08, 2006

Libby Case revelation

Everyone should have figured out that any "leaks" out of the White House would have had "approval" from the President and/or Vice-President. That's a given. Now there is a fessing up going on with the usual rationalizing about legality and rights-to-so--like every other breach of ethics or law that this administration has perpetrated. When is it going to happen--the nation-wide outrage and demand for impeachment? Censure is not enough, but would at least a step in the right direction. I have been saying all along that this administration has both an arrogance and honesty problem. The fact that this administration resorts to out and out propaganda to further its agendas rather then common-sense arguments should have clued many. But unfortunately it didn't until the cats were out of the bag, (Notice the plural reference) .
We've had bad Presidents in the past, some with large credibility problems, but never have I seen, or read about, one with this large a credibility problem and coupled with arrogance of power and a favoritism to an elite few. Never have I heard a President say, " I've been given political capital and am now going to spend it". Political capital does not mean the rights of power inherent in old fashioned kingship. A President is not "above" the law and "Commander-in-Chief" means power over the military, not over the people, except for provisions given by the peoples representatives, and powers as outlined within the Constitution. Our government has only power that the People give--not power that the government innately has. Government in this country does not have innate power, otherwise it would be a dictatorship; dictating to the people as it sees fit. This administration over time has attempted to usurp power in order to fulfill its agenda of greed and power. Fortunately this administrations inaptitude, despite its penchant for secrecy, has revealed its methods, transgressions, and plans. The next move is up to the voter.


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