Who are You Going to Trust?
The Republicans are touting this Economy as being the best and everyone should be happy about that, right? Yeah, they are doing just swell--what with high gasoline prices and no regulation on how they make and keep their money. Layoffs, outsourcing, union busting, the WTO, illegals taking good paying jobs--you get the idea. Is there anywhere in that list a hint of security in there for middle-class workers? Do you feel safe about having a pension from your 401K plan or company plan after Enron and the stock market dive and companies all of a sudden cutting back on pension plans and benefits? If anyone has money socked away it has a big fat target pasted on it; for the benefit of someone with connections in high places. The "system" has been set up for an elite few and they couldn't care less about your welfare, only in the money they can get out of you.
It has rankled the "elites" for years now that the "workers" were able to have some leverage, that they could share in some of the benefits of their hard labor. That leverage is now gone, thanks to a complacent middle class and greedy politicians.
It will only get worse. How about "The People's Republic of America" anyone? If a revolution by the people doesn't happen soon we are facing a takeover by multi-national companies, companies whose only "loyalty" is the bottom line.
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