Saturday, April 29, 2006

What Voters Should Expect

The mess that the U.S. is now in, in the way of high fuel prices, depleting oil reserves, huge trade deficits, an illegal trillion dollar pluswar, China, and an invasion of our country by foreign nationals, demands action of the voters. Since tar-and-feathering is no longer practiced something new should be tried. How about a signed contract from each of the congressional candidates to the effect that they promise to represent those who voted them in; otherwise face an automatic recall.
As it is now candidates make promises they know they wont or can't possibly keep and end up doing more harm to the voters than good. What have they done so far?
Didn't examine available facts and debate the necessity for the Iraq war. Allowed our immigration enforcement to be ineffective and allow an invasion of foreign nationals into this country. Run up deficits by giving tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations and spend money on questionable projects. Allow outside non-U.S. entities to gain and control major industries and strategic facilities, utilities, and commerce. Relinquished power to the Executive branch of government without adequate oversight. Let politics and ideology rule over the common good.
Lack of oversight on financial and commercial institutions, which will result in future fraud and impacting workers 401K and other pension plans.
Some of the things I would demand from the Administration members and Legislators.
1. Straight answers to questions--preferably consisting of one word answers, like yes or no.
2. No more Airforce One--especially for campaign purposes or Propaganda use.
3. No more "working vacations"--either it is vacation or work. Three weeks a year like everyone else.
4. Get rid of Propaganda departments at the expense of the taxpayer. Performance, not hype, is what counts.
5. No more "Western or Eastern Whitehouses". We provide government quarters, complete with all kinds of ambiance; that should suffice. If you don't like the conditions don't run for office.
6. Public oversight on government. No more "Shadow Governments" behind closed doors.
7. A signed contract to the voters of what the candidate will try his utmost to do, provide to the voter, and who he thinks the voter is. GW Bush talks about the "American People" when he is really meaning wealthy elite and corporations. "We, The People" remember?
that's it for now--its up to the voters. The problem is the people don't get to decide who the candidates are, that is decided by party elites and insiders. We have got to change that somehow.


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