Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Nation of Immigrants?--So What!

I keep hearing, from both sides, the statement "We are a nation of Immigrants". Is that supposed to be an argument? A premise of some sort? What it is is an "appeal" to people's emotions, a propaganda ploy, in some it may strum a chord of guilt, others pity, others perhaps a form of "bandwagon appeal". It is not a reason or argument for anything since times have changed since our ancestors immigrated to this country. We may hold out an appeal as a country to would-be immigrants with knowledge or skills, robbing other countries talent, but labor we don't need; and that is what some people are trying to sell us by encouraging illegal foreign nationals to sneak over the border and work for them and ultimately, for some, a vote for them. However, the statement is not an argument even though it is presented as one.
Bush last night presented his "solve the problem by solving the problem" plan. Lots of generalities but few statistics or details as usual. The details that were given indicated, as usual, his Administrations lack of competence. His "No Amnesty" Amnesty program as proposed would be impossible to implement as stated--costing the taxpayers in this country billions, if not trillions, of dollars.
Why isn't anyone figuring out how much all this would cost, how many people would be involved, and what administration or administrations would be involved.
One thing for sure the illegals would get Amnesty and all the hoops that they are supposed to jump through would be forgotten. Bureaucrats would take the easy way out by rubber stamping the requirements without the investigating, fines, residency requirements, and whatever else they have to hurdle. It would be 1986 all over again. Promises to us, Amnesty for them. By the way amnesty means to "forget", not "forgive".


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