The Media: Why Don't They Just Call It Propaganda?
It seems the Media, Newspapers, TV News, and the like, has an aversion to calling what political strategists, pundits, Think Tanks, Radio Commentators, politicians spew out for what it is: Propaganda. All the parts are there--name calling, labels, glittering generalities, bandwagon, extrapolation, juxtaposition, straw man arguments, The Big Lie, and general logical fallacies to make points for or against their positions. Instead of the word Propaganda they use such euphemisms as "spin", commercial messages, etc. They take the seriousness out of disinformation and thought control attempts by using euphemisms. When you consider billions of dollars are being spent to develop disinformation and its dissemination "spin" just does not describe adequately the message.
Rush Limbaugh is a professional Propagandist hiding behind the label "Entertainer". One of his chief propaganda techniques is "humor", which is nothing more than ridicule of the opposition--in his case "Liberals". One of his famous labels was "FemiNazis". It is reported that Rush Limbo accepted a $400 million contract to continue his propaganda campaign.
It is time that a search light be aimed at the problem of propaganda and call it for what it is and those who deal in it against the Public's interest.
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