Is Obama As Bad As They Say He Is?
Born in Kenya, a Muslim, a socialist, circumventing the Constitution, a candidate for impeachment, originator of ObamaCare, and I can't remember all of the accusations at the moment. None of what they say are as serious or valid, for that matter, as they would have you believe.
Obama can stand some criticism that is true. He could have acted more aggressively in trying to obtain the mandate part of ObamaCare and he could have been confrontational to those who have made accusations about his breaking the law and being a Muslim, and such.
One thing is clear the Republicans have done everything they could to delegitimize this President's legacy in their pursuit for power. They have used their Think Tanks to the max in an effort to generate faux facts in their creative histories of Reagan's, George HW Bush, and even GW Bush's stint in the White House. Their tactics has been to create fiction about their own legacies while doing their best to create a negative fiction of the Democrats legacy.
The media has done a good job of showing the Republicans talking heads one after the other on shows saying the same words, in lock-step, bashing Obama's decisions or policies. What propagandists are the Republicans! Using such tactics as The Big Lie, demonizing, labeling, card-stacking, testimonials, band wagon, glittering generalities--all well used in their campaign to destroy Obama's presidency.
He prevented a terrible depression, promoted U.S. good will in the world, has brought the U.S. closer to equal health care for everyone, had Osama Bin Laden brought to justice, and so far has prevented other bombings in the U.S.. He has kept politics civil despite all the malicious rhetoric.
The Republicans have shown themselves to be ignorant, small minded, lacking in graciousness, liars, unpatriotic, cowards, devious, and without honor.
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