Monday, November 17, 2014

Our Government Sucks

I don't like to use the word "sucks" but it does have one thing going for it--truth.  Our government is living up to the word and proving to the world that Democracy does not work.  The United States has been the most successful government in history, formed in 1776 and continued till now, 2014 with only one hitch--the Civil War to mar its reputation.  All that time we have been the example to go by for governments throwing off the shackles of tyranny and pulling on the robes of representative government. 

Now we have a bunch of yahoos doing their best to tear down the institution by obstructing democratic principles, demonizing the President and opposition congress members, utilizing propaganda to further agendas that delegitimize the middle class population and their representatives. 

The "American People" label is invoked often when Conservatives speak and they would have us believe that they are speaking up for the majority of Americans; but by their actions their "American People" are a few power elite who fill politician's campaign coffers.  The power elite being from the Pharmaceutical Corporations, Bankers and Investment Companies, Oil Companies, Media Corporations, Energy Companies, Military Contractors; anyone who has money to invest,--these are the "American People" who our Congressmen and women represent.   They do not let the pain and suffering of the people interfere with business interests for this pain and suffering are the "people's" fault and not to be encouraged, for that would lead to dependency on the part of the lazy poor. 

What the Elite and their paid for representatives fail to understand is that when the general population, the "masses", are paid decent wages, find educational opportunities, have good health, have available decent and affordable housing, have jobs, and a fair legal system business flourishes and the elite fair well. 

We are on our way to becoming a third world country where opportunity is systematically thwarted to a point it no longer exists and the "land of the free" becomes the "land of the oppressed". 



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