Bush's Upcoming Speech
I will make the prediction that it will be the same old "stuff"; about how he will solve all our problems by "solving the problems"--no real solutions, just words. The border problem will be solved by putting more troops or patrols on the border and "documenting" more workers to come in and work. The real problem is not enforcing the laws that already, which allow employers to hire undocumented workers through intermediaries such as contractors etc. If illegal aliens can't find work they won't come and no need to spend a lot of money trying to keep the flow of workers out as well as possible terrorists. The whole thing will sound good but not much will get done--at least by Bush's administration. Then too he will again stress how we are in Iraq fighting the cause against terrorists. What kind of terrorists? The kind that is waging an international war against the U.S. and its allies, or fighters who use "terrorist" tactics because they can't fight head-on against tanks and airplanes etc.? The administration plays on the publics lack of being unable to discriminate between international terrorists and the more local terrorists who will fight to make us leave their region. It is more complex than this of course but people can sort it out on their own. The main point I'm making, and Bush isn't making, is that all terrorists are not the same even though some are trying to lump the different types together. It makes for good propaganda however and the media as usual gives him every opportunity to use them to promote his agandas.
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