Sunday, July 26, 2009

Blacks in America

I remember my stay in Georgia in the mid-50s when Blacks had their own drink fountains, got to sit at the back of the bus, even their own bathrooms and would likely get lynched for looking at White Southern Belles: how things have changed since.

Now they have to share bathrooms, drinking fountains, and seats indiscriminately on buses, and get to screw White damsels and no one gets upset. Now Blacks are routinely paired in movies and advertisements with buxom White girls. They even have a cable network called CNN; Colored Network News where the majority of hosts are black or Hispanic--again the Blacks are often paired with buxom White women.

Yes we need debate on the subject of race relations--to hear Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton you would think Blacks have made very little progress in America in the last 50-60 years, that White police routinely abuse Blacks, that Blacks have no opportunity to get educated and advance economically and socially.

The simple fact is Blacks have a giant chip on their shoulders and are more likely to evidence racism than Whites. Blacks are also more likely to abuse power and position than Whites. Dishonesty is a trait from slavery days when they would steal from their masters. You didn't have much opportunity in those days to have anything so they would steal. Stealing too was a means of getting back at their masters. When caught a Black never fesses up to wrong doing, even in the face of strong evidence to the contrary. To aid in denial they cry loud and vehemently how ill their treatment is and claim racial bias. Whites, sensitive to being labeled racist, back off.

Much of the Black's problems is of their own making. No one forces a Black to quit school, or deal in drugs, hijack cars, or commit crimes in general. Blacks who want to get ahead in life have as much or a better chance of doing so than Whites. We've had two Secretaries of States who were Blacks and now have a Black President. Their are role models out there to follow so quit scapegoating Whites for your own lack of gumption or abilities.



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