Monday, September 07, 2009

Attacks On Obama

The Conservatives and Republicans are desperate; they have no solutions or answers so they are huffing and puffing in order to blow the Democrat's house down. The use of "The Big Lie", labeling, demonizing, and any other propaganda device, is having its effect on the weak minded, who in turn carry the message and expand on it. It is what they, Republicans and Conservatives, do best, propaganda, for it takes a certain mean spirited mind set to come up with lies and slogans designed to do harm. Conservative "Think Tanks" are operating at full steam picking up on anything that can be distorted and used against the Democrats. The desperation is so great they are praying for Obama's death; by any means is implied.

If the Democrats don't begin a counter campaign against this onslaught the next election will be a painful one. They are already losing many of the Independents and some Democrats.

Shaming the Conservatives/Republicans is a great tool. By pointing out their methods and wagging fingers at them, using humor, education, and insisting on having a fair share of debate time would do much to counter their propaganda. The Republicans/Conservatives are in lock step; their message is consistent and well rehearsed. You hear one Republican/Conservative you hear them all. Video is a great tool for bringing this out; by showing them one after another saying the same thing would weaken their hold on the airways.

I don't care if the Democrats or the Republicans win some petty political battle; I'm an Independent, but I am not happy with the Republicans for a number of reasons--like tapping my telephone, or being able to pick someone off the street and throwing them in a dungeon without a legal hearing, believing torture is OK, etc. Those are Fascist methods and so far Obama hasn't advocated these methods. Is Obama a socialist? So far I haven't heard him talk about nationalizing anything. Controlling, regulating, reforming, yes.



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