Friday, June 05, 2015

They give in, or we do?

Can we win in the Middle East or not?  That is the Big Question.  It depends a lot on what the definition of Win is.  Options are few and I haven't seen any good definitions of Win.

There is no easy answer.  Killing them in the numbers required to eliminate them requires large numbers of combatants which means large numbers of your forces get killed also.  Bombing requires reliable target information; which requires large numbers of spotters on the ground.  Training up locals to fight and to point out targets takes time and money and the results we have seen are uncertain.  We use the same conventional solutions that we have been using in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and the present conflicts.  The Powell solution of using overwhelming force against a static enemy position.  So far the guerrillas have been using tactics that have struck fear and confusion in their enemy's ranks. The person or persons behind their strategy shows pure genius and a lot of imagination.  So far our military and civilian leadership has shown a lack of genius and imagination. 

The problem is we have no goals.  The conditions are too chaotic and any mistakes made could lead to a hellacious conflict in the region with Russia, Iran, and China interjecting themselves into the picture.  The West could possibly lose Saudi Arabia, Jordon, Egypt, and Israel in a regional war.

On top of all this is that our own government is so divided ideologically, culturally, we cannot make sensible decisions.  We are spending money unwisely in all areas that government has its fingers in, while our infrastructure and other needed projects lie dormant. 

With all this happening who do you think would back down?


At November 24, 2015 2:40 AM, Anonymous said...

Guys, I do not think that violence is the best solution. People from Middle East are really radical and they will kill, as they think that they have a right to kill. I do not think that we are the same, and that we should behave like they.

At December 09, 2015 8:05 AM, Anonymous pay people to do your homework said...

There can be so many ways to spend money we pay our government. When I hear that a huge percentage of governmental money will go to resolve the situation we have with immigrants, I have two different thoughts:

1) Why do we need to pay money for this issues?
2) How can government do something without these sums?

I would like to hear your answers to these questions.

At December 10, 2015 2:52 AM, Blogger Matthew Davis said...

Recently I have started theology paper topics, and I found one interesting argue to all questions that are connected with a problem of misunderstanding. In my humble opinion we should stay clear on what we do, see, whom do we speak with. If your mind is conscious, you can handle any situation.


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