Monday, November 28, 2005

Intelligent Design--or is it?

Pat Robertson stated recently that God would reject a town for not voting Intelligent Design into their school curriculum. Intelligent Design proponents say that some creator "designed" (not specifically a Christian God) the universe and state that they are not pushing God into school curriculums. It certainly seems that Church leaders, such as Pat Robertson, are in fact pushing for religion into public schools when they make such obvious statements about God being rejected for not including Intelligent Design. So far I haven't seen anyone point this fact out.
Intelligent Design proponents believe that Nature and the universe is so complex that it had to have been "designed" by some intelligent force (enter God--applause!)
The simple argument against the "Intelligent Design" hypothesis (not theory) is that if some super intelligent and powerful being designed the universe he didn't abide by the KISS (keep it simple, stupid) principle--it made the universe much more complex than it needed to be, as well as grossly redundant; if you take the Bible as gospel.
Look at all the waste in the make-up of the universe--asteroids, comets, billions of solar systems, galaxys etc. If "He" created the world for humans benefit why all the other solar systems, planets etc.? This over-redundancy is in itself an argument against "Intelligent Design"; for it is simply not good design to over do it. The universe should be less complex; not complex as it is.
The term "Intelligent Design" is a slogan, not a theory--not even a hypothesis. It depends on the "wow" factor, where people wonder at nature and say "wow", and lacking imagination and descrimination, assume, like our primitive ancestors, that some supernatural being must be behind it all.
As I've stated before, "belief is a matter of judgement". It is proved every day that many Christian leaders, such as Pat Robertson, lack judgement and make stupid statements about things they know very little about.
The Intelligent Design argument actually disproves Christian teachings; for if a Christian God made our solar system to plant life and humans in, according to the Bible story, why then he must have done the same to all the other solar systems in our galaxy, and all the possible solar systems in all the other millions of galaxies. Why else do these other solar systems exist?
We are then not alone, in fact are only unique because we are probably the only ones to have transgressed and got thrown out of Eden! There may be millions of Edens in the Universe populated by more worthy Adams and Eves.


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