Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Race Card

You seldom see any Hispanics, that are promoting amnesty for illegal aliens, pass up the use of the Race Card, or any emotional aspect for that matter. The two things missing in the debate are facts and logic.
As far as "racial profiling" goes I don't see many blond white guys sneaking over the Mexican-U.S. border; and that is the main border being used by illegals to invade our country.
We are at war and that calls for some bending of the rules--if you believe the Bush administration about a "war" going on and National Security being a high priority.
But National Security is of a different form in the case of amnesty for illegal aliens. They don't belong here no matter how hard they work for pay. They are working for themselves, not for some grandiose scheme to help the U.S. economy or American employers; like some would have you believe. We are being invaded by a people different than the rest of us.
Some proponents for amnesty are quite honest that the "battle" is about a Mexican take-over of lands "they" feel is rightfully theirs--Atzlan I believe they call it.
How come no one is pointing that out. I'm sure there are many Hispanics feel the same but are being more prudent not to voice their ideas about a Hispanic take-over.
I'm not against Hispanics at all. I've traveled in Mexico and found the people to be great--I just have a desire to keep the U.S. non-Hispanic for the most part. I lived in California for 25 years and have watched many areas turn into Hispanic ghettos, which tend to spread out more and more as the years go by. They become havens for illegal Hispanics and only encourage more and more to come and live. They do not belong here. That is the point everyone is ignoring. They didn't come here by getting into a "line", fill out papers and wait like everyone else who wants to work, become citizens, or whatever.
Rounding them up is not the answer but enforcing laws against lawbreaking employers would do much to solve the problem of illegal working residents. Also, going after businesses owned by illegal aliens would get rid of many illegals doing landscaping and construction on the side.
The government should be sued for all the harm it is doing by not enforcing our laws and are not protecting the American people.
We are being invaded by a foreign power, they just aren't using guns against us. It's still a hostile take over, they are just smiling at us as they do it.
One harm not being mentioned is all the billions of dollars being sent out of the country south. That is a drain on the U.S.--I'll leave it others to figure out all the ramifications of that; but it is also a serious issue to consider.


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