Who Is to Blame for Haditha?
If anyone were to poll the GIs about why they are in Iraq it is my guess the majority of them would say because the Iraqis had something to do with 9/11 and that they were fighting terrorists that want to destroy the U.S.
The next question is where are they getting such ideas? The answer to that would be the propaganda being fed to them through their commanders in the field and by the Bush Administration--how many times has Rumsfeld gone over to give rousing speeches for instance? Even GW Bush has gone over to give pep talks about the war on terror.
Ethics of warfare isn't the problem--hyping the war is the problem. To a lot of GIs it is pay-back time and many view all Iraqis, including women and children, as the enemy.
If it comes to a question of a GI getting killed versus women, childen, and other non-combatants, it will be one or all of the latter who gets killed.
Watching GIs react to bombs or shells hitting their mark brings to mind a hard fought football game. It seems like that is what the war is all about--a game; with all the trappings of bands, banners, and awards. A lot of people are trying to make this war something it isn't. It started with lies, it continues with lies, and it will probably end with lies.
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