Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Bush's Plan--Backdoor Immigration?

Bush's "guest worker" plan, allowing Aliens to come into the U.S. to work for a period of time, is one of those "pseudo-solutions", a proposal to solve a problem by "solving the problem". It appears to solve the undocumented worker problem by "documenting them", when in reality it "documents" them for a period of time. after which they don't return to their own countries, or re-document, which then makes them "undocumented" Aliens who didn't have to sneak over the border.
This non-return, or redocumenting, by "guest workers" is not mentioned by Bush and illegal alien proponents; that it is in fact a "back-door" immigration policy. But why all the hype for allowing in guest-workers? I'm not clamoring to let in aliens to work! Corporations however are clamoring apparently.
Which corporations are on the list to benefit from the "documented" worker program? It would be interesting to have that list, and then compare it to the major contributors to Bush and other politicians who argue for the program.
I don't see average workers clamoring to let in aliens to work for low wages. What kind of citizens are made from exploited labor practices? What sort of citizens do they make? Is an immigrant inclined to show loyalty to a country that exploits their being poor and in need?
The argument presented by Bush and his corporate buddies, that consumers benefit by low wages, is a bogus one when examined beyond the immediate facts. There is a limit to lowering wages, eliminating good paying jobs, reducing benefits etc. Lower prices are of no benefit to a bankrupt populace. Consumers pay many hidden costs--crime, regulation, medical care, etc. Many employers of aliens do not pay social security and taxes on their illegal workers. Where are the facts? A lot of organizations have made partisan studies but most of the "facts" are suspect. Just driving around neighborhoods in many of the larger cities, particularly those in southern border states, show that the U.S. is being swamped by aliens--illegal as well as legal. The Bush administration shows a lack of concern on all social fronts.
New Orleans is a prime example of this administration's lack of a sense of importance regarding Americans welfare. Big promises--no action. If they are poor they are of no consequence. But the image of a caring President traveling around in stricken neighborhoods makes good headlines (propaganda again) ; but action always speaks the truth and the lack of action says it all.


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