Out-Of-Control Capitalism
Capitalism, if not regulated, is a tyrannical force and a danger to Democracy, just as much as any fascist government would be. A good example of this is what you can see around us today. Capitalism, for many years, has strived to control our government for its advantage and in recent years has succeeded beyond its wildest dreams. The Party mostly to blame for this has been the Republicans but, the Democrats are nearly as guilty.
Taxes used to be paid by the wealthy and upper-classes, but ever since the early 1900's that responsibilty has been passed more and more onto people who, at best, are just barely able to get by.
The battle for control of labor has gone to the Capitalists and all you ever hear nowadays is Capitalist Propaganda. The majority of the people seldom hear the truth and any facts that are presented are so hidden by the Propaganda Noise that the truth doesn't stand a chance to be assimilated.
The Capitalists are very clever in presenting their messages--music, well modulated voices, flashy images--every 10 minutes, for 3 minutes, you get Propaganda of some sort that sells you sex-enhancement, or how wonderful the oil companies are, and.... So-called "News" for the most part is just Propaganda for the Capitalist Masters who control the Media. Only a few "News" shows gives the public anything close to the facts.
It is time for a Revolution! We need some hard-nosed realists, without blind affiliations to Parties and Philosophies. People who believe in representing our Citizens, instead of having Agendas that bows to Capitalistic Internationalism.
This "feast" taking place on the Middle Class is about done. By "feast" I mean wringing out every dollar and political advantage that importing cheap goods and exporting labor can accomplish. That "feast" has about run its string and the free ride is about over.
So far both the Republicans and Democrats are dishing out the same old non-representative garbage. They just don't get it. Do we get it?
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