Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Impeach G.W. Bush

The other day G.W. Bush said that if he knew back then (before invading Iraq) what he knows now he would have made the same decision to invade Iraq!
He didn't know for sure that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, had or about to have nuclear weapons, and there was no connection between Saddam and 9/11. So where is the justification--legally?
Without certainty of these facts in hand he had Iraq invaded; which according to international, and U.S. law, is a high crime.
He had authorization from congress, but it was an administration "duped" congress, which in itself is a crime--lying or misleading congress with cherry-picked intelligence.
The Bush administration gambled that there would be evidence of WMDs, deliberately cooked intelligence to dupe congress, and the public, and engaged in a six-month long propaganda campaign to "sell" his war. Actions, and the facts, bears all this out--if anyone cares to investigate.
If we had a congress that was bound to it oath to uphold the laws of the United States, was ethical and moral, held to honor then Bush would be impeached for what he and his administration has done. But they are a lot of hypocrites where ethics and morals are to be forced on others. This administration and congress speaks about corruption in the United Nations, yet this government has sold out to special interests to the detriment of the middle class--the worst I've seen in my lifetime--Reagan's administration excepted. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
Bush lied about Saddam Hussein and Iraq in order to sway public and political opinion, he "illegally" invaded another country without a clear and realistic plan for success, cost the American people lives and hundreds of billions of dollars, disrupted the military, and still has no certain idea of what "success" will be. He hasn't been held to account as to how, and the real "why", the U.S. went to war.
If the Republican led congress could impeach Clinton for lying about having an affair it seems that they would be as ardent in upholding our laws by impeaching G.W. for lying about why we went to war with Iraq. We did not have a clear mandate to go to war with Iraq because U.N. inspectors were being allowed to search for weapons. Saddam could not comply in giving up weapons and materials he did not have, so when Bush says that we went to war with Iraq because Saddam wasn't complying with UN mandates, in reality the real reason we went to war was because of Bush's mistake, not Saddam's non-compliance.
Why is an impeachment process so important in this case? The U.S. resources are dwindling and aren't to be wasted on wars. The U.S. can no longer engage in nation building and be the world's "enforcer"; as those in the administration believe.
Democracies, like Utopias, are likely to thrive when there is an abundance of resources available, but do not thrive when there is a lack of critical resources. We, the U.S., will reach that critical lack soon--when oil resources in the U.S. are depleted--and when our food production can no longer keep up with our population; a point we are just now reaching.
So we need to have our present and future political leaders not engage in idealogical experiments such as this administration has done. We have some critical issues to deal with in the near future and do not need to exacerbate problems.


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