Thursday, December 15, 2005

Iraq--Its All About Bush's Ego

It doesn't faze Bush at all that he was wrong about Iraq's WMDs, that he was no real threat to the U.S., that there was no link between 9/11 and Iraq. Bush said he would still attack Iraq knowing what he knows now--no one seems to be picking up on how irresponsible his statement is and what it implies--that Bush is incompetant and dangerous to our National Security. Now he has to "prove" his belief that we will "save" America by establishing Democracies in the Middle East.
Bush is determined to be a "Great" President, no matter what, and is not about to leave Iraq without a democracy established in that country and will expend the U.S.'s treasury and military might to be "right". He can "blame" the WMD mistakes on "faulty intelligence" but if Iraq cannot establish a democracy, why then that is a failure for Bush. He will not accept that so we can figure on being in Iraq till Bush is out of office.
What may be looming closer is more conflict--with Iran and Syria. They have always been at Israel's throat and ours indirectly and will do what they can to destablize a U.S. supported Iraq and try to promote an anti-Israel government. Israel is the key to peace in the Middle East and has been the main irritant to the Arabs since the late 1920's. There will never be peace in the Middle East as long as Israel exists--at least in our life-times. Trying to install Democracy in the region is not going to solve the war between the Arabs and Israel.


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