Friday, June 16, 2006

War in Iraq--Revisited

After watching some of the speeches and Propaganda being put out on both sides my initial response is--Where in the Hell are their Brains? Yes, we went into Iraq without a solid valid justification, in other words someone wasn't being honest to us, the Public. Yes, support for the troops is a good thing; but does "support" have to mean getting more troops getting killed, maimed, or brain-dead? One side or the other is trying to paint the other into a corner for political reasons. Is politics a good way to support the troops? How about some "real" debate, like using facts instead of emotional ploys. What are the facts?
Well, for one the Muslims do not want Crusaders on their doorsteps and running their lives and picking governments for them. Democracy does not jibe well with Islam--fact two. Fact three--any withdrawal plan is going to be messy, no matter how long we wait to do it and no matter how many Iraqis we train. Fact four--we are fighting ideas, not just people. Take Christianity for instance. The Romans and others tried to stamp it out and it just got stronger. Our efforts to stamp out a fundamentalist form of Islam may be just as fruitless. One thing for sure our continued support for Israel and our growing presence in the region will just fan the fires of dissent rather than diminish it. Al-Qaeda is an idea, not just a group of terrorists. We have learned nothing from VietNam--there too we were fighting an idea, not just guerrillas. The Vietnamese wanted their own country free from outsiders and they got it; despite all the billions of dollars of armaments we dropped on them.
The administration cannot Propagandize their way out of this mess because we just don't understand what we are up against. Like quick-sand, the more we struggle the more we get stuck. There will never be an "ideal" time to get out--just a contrived one.


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