Thursday, March 30, 2006

American---The Land of Exploitation?

Ted Kennedy yesterday denied that his proposed legislation is "amnesty" because it does not
"forgive" but has "penalties" and certain requirements before the illegal aliens can get "back of the line" for naturalization. The truth of the matter is the illegal aliens are "getting in the line" before others and are 'getting in a line' that they wouldn't get into in the first place. Who is going to collect the fines, and who will determine if they can speak English well enough to satisfy the requirements, who is going to determine if they work hard and are good citizens? All these things take resources and organization.
Lou Dobbs debated Jorge Ramos about illegal immigration, a term which I think is a misnomer, and Ramos kept trying to put Dobbs on the spot by asking Dobbs why he was against immigration, as if illegal immigration is immigration in the first place. Talk about dishonest discourse. That is why I think the term "illegal immigrant" is a misnomer, because those who distort the issue like Jorge Ramos does, uses illegal immigrant and immigrant as a single term. An "illegal immigrant" is not an immigrant. He or she only becomes an immigrant when someone like Ted Kennedy slips in an amnesty program to let them "backdoor" immigrate.
Everyone it seems is trying to put a "human face" to the illegal aliens, or as I prefer to call them--elicit foreign nationals--which tends to legitimize their position in some peoples minds.
The danger is that the problem will grow in an exponential way, because the more of them that live here the more of a haven or base others can depend on to thwart U.S. efforts to deal with them. The word gets out that the American government is throwing up its hands and saying the problem is too great to return them, so they can stay in the U.S. Well, there is a way to stem and turn back the tide of elicit foreign nationals from coming into and staying illegally in this country.
Fine employers $10,000 for each elicit foreign national that they hire. Require that the employer determine status of any employee that they suspect of being a foreign national and contact the government if in doubt. Make it a definite responsibility of the employer to verify that the employee is legal. Ignorance of status will not be an excuse!
Establish a task force of IRS and Immigration investigators, and data bases to support the task force, that would "visit" those industries and businesses who regularly use cheap labor; such as farmers, meat packing plants, janitorial services, restaurants, landscaping, construction, hotels, day laborers, etc. The fines would pay for the program.
Controlling the border would be much easier because when the word got out there were no longer jobs available, or easy to find, the attractiveness of work in the U.S. would wane.
Another part of the remedy would be to make crossing over the border illegally a high misdemeanors, or lesser felony, with a penalty of six months hard labor. The first time caught, a warning; the second time, six months; the third time, a year; the fourth time a year and a half etc.
Any "well-meaning" abettor would be subject also to a $10,000 fine and six months in jail. The problem is not just "one" or "two" unlawful foreign nationals transgressing our borders it is a "movement" of vast proportions , which will grow at an exponential rate. It must be stopped.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Unlawful Foreign Nationals

The term "illegal immigrant" is a misnomer that allows proponents to distort the issue of illegal entry and residency. Foreign Nationals entering the United States illegally are in no way "immigrants". They only become that when the paper work is done allowing them legal entry and residency. Using the word immigrant, legal in conjunction with illegal, only fuzzes up the issue and allows some sense of legitimacy for those who are entering the U.S. without legal authorization.
The argument that poor foreign nationals are of benefit to the U.S. is illegitimate--unlawful foreign nationals are in truth "thieves"; taking away the many benefits earned by legitimate residents of this nation. Unlawful foreign nationals resident in this country steal our birthright by having children in this country without contributing to the tax base (property taxes), which makes schools and education possible. They take jobs from the lower classes of our country and often deprive others from creating small businesses, such as janitorial jobs, landscaping, etc., by legitimate residents of this country. Often times business and employment taxes are avoided by such businesses, thus robbing our tax base. Often unlawful foreign nationals work "under the table", hired by fly-by-night contractors.
The idea that "it is just to hard to do, to return 11 million illegal foreign nationals to their own countries", is like saying it is just too hard to fight a war with Japan because they bombed Pearl Harbor, or fight terrorists because they fight from the shadows, or enforce our laws because, "it is too hard." Since when did we stop doing what we had to do because of its difficulty?
Since when did we give in to a foreign invasion that is obviously intent on "taking over". They declare the fact openly, wave foreign flags in defiance to our attempts to establish order.
The argument we need to "legalize" the presence of foreign nationals so we can establish who they are has got to be the dumbest argument yet. Especially when that was already tried, and failed, in 1986.
The argument that it would disrupt lives if we returned unlawfully resident foreign nationals back to their own countries is not the issue, their unlawful presence is the issue. Validating this argument based on numbers of people displaced or inconvenienced is asking for double the present number at some future date because then it would then be the accepted "norm"; just as it is now to allow "guest workers" to stay for years in this country.
If Americans want a taste of what is to come watch closely the commotion going on in the streets of Los Angeles and elsewhere. If measures are not taken to stem the invasion then our country will not be ours for long, but theirs.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Immigration Revisited

I've written previously on the immigration issue, probably on my web site and thought I had it pretty well covered; however, our so-called representatives are working overtime to figure out what propaganda messages will work to "convince" us that it is in the American's best interest to let illegal aliens over-run us and our way of life.
Now it is "comprehensive immigration" and "being good samaritans" that are being given as "arguments" to allow those already "in" to stay and those wanting in a free ticket.
Since when did we the American people vote for representatives representing illegal immigrants? I didn't see that in their campaign slogans. Our representatives need to figure out who they are representing; and the American voters need to figure out what they want this country to be like in the decades to come, because this land of opportunity is becoming anything but the land of opportunity for the "average" American; what with corporate American shipping out jobs and encouraging illegal workers to come in and work in the U.S. No one knows who the Democrats represent--it isn't the "average" American that is for sure. If they figure on a "slam-dunk" this next election they had better recalculate because they have been on the wrong side of the immigration issue (and other popular issues), and that will be a major issue for both parties come Fall.
With ten to thirty million illegal aliens in this country doing their thing, unhindered, should send us, the American Voter, a message--that we have a problem--namely we aren't being represented, protected, and are not getting our monies worth generally. When I hear propaganda about being Samaritans and comprehensive plans, an euphemism for amnesty to illegal aliens, I have to ask myself "do our representatives really think we are that dumb not to see the dishonesty in their message. And do our representatives think they are representing the American people when they push for legislation that in effect flaunts the laws they enacted, lowers American wages, encourages more illegal immigration, increases crime, increases our taxes, and doesn't address security issues?
I want representatives who represent American interests, who are looking out for Americans, who talk straight, and follow the Constitution. So far I'm not seeing any.