Sunday, October 06, 2013

Are They Committing High Crimes and Misdemeanors?

Are members of the House committing great harm to our country and its people,
by their refusing to vote, an action thwarting a majority of representatives, an act causing a stalemate which is shutting down our government and all of a sudden taking pay checks away from many thousands of people. Is this holding back the vote not an act that is deliberately harming the American People?

Because of the NO VOTE food stamps are being held back from thousands of Americans causing many to go hungry.  Is this not indifference to our fellow American's welfare?   The Representatives concern seems to be that no one should get something for nothing.  That is if they aren't banks.

Isn't causing harm to the American People unpatriotic, or is just citing the Pledge of Allegiance being patriotic enough?

Radical conservative elements now sitting in government are doing everything in their power to delegitimize a sitting President.  The era of President Obama held great promise but due to moneyed interests intent on destroying any gains by the democrats we have the impasse now taking place.  Isn't blocking democratic procedures, that are the backbone to democracy, a form of sabotage?  Many Republicans feel that the government is unnecessary and without legitimacy.  I have trouble understanding the conflict that conservatives have about patriotism and a healthy functioning government.  Our government is Democracy in action.  Its function is to benefit the country and promote the welfare of the people.  What part of Democracy don't  they understand?  Ever hear about; for the People, by the People, of the People?  It doesn't say for the Banks, for the Corporations, etc.

The Republicans are deliberately not allowing a vote to take place, which if passed, would allow government to function normally.  Instead an existing law, ObamaCare, is being dangled before the Democrats, like an effigy being  hung by its neck, the Republicans all the while chanting "negotiate, capitulate, or we wont vote".

The next part of the crisis is to come in a week or so.  The Debt Ceiling.  The black mailing of the Democrats by the Republicans, trying to force Obama to backtrack on his most important accomplishment, ObamaCare, is a threat as great as any terrorist attack that could be imagined.  Because they hold office, have access to the media, and smile broadly as they feed us BS about how intent they are in protecting the American People, they aren't being viewed by the public as being terrorists. Is that a view held because of convention or because the people are helpless due to the constant barrage of propaganda being aimed at them. 

The results of what the Republicans are doing will result in greater damage than any terrorist attack.  Starvation, great economic burdens, disruption of people's lives, higher interest rates that the taxpayer will have to pay, international disrespect, a blight on Democracy, and the many things that will result because of  Republican strategy of sabotaging the government.

Too bad these legislatures can't be charged with crimes against the State, or impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, as what is taking place in the House is just as harmful as what the laws seem to indicate.  If charges could be brought for what they are doing they might be more cognizant of the harm they are doing to this country and its people. 

Friday, October 04, 2013

The Republican Game

The Republicans are past masters at creating impossible situations for the Democrats, such as they are now doing holding Obama Care hostage by refusing to vote for allowing the government operations to function.  The Republicans have been pushing the Democrats against the wall ever since the Obama administration came into existence all the while claiming that the Democrats have been refusing to negotiate in good faith; total surrender is not enough?  I blame the Democrats for their predicament; they failed to anticipate that the Republicans were going to play hard ball; thwarting Obama at every government function, delegitimizing him at every turn.  Clinton's time in office and his battle with the Republicans should have clued the Democrats of what was to come; I certainly wrote about it enough.  Propaganda has been the message all along--Big Lies, name calling, testimonials, and the Tea Party organization. 
The Tea Party is a perfect example of propaganda at work, at its worst.  It is a propaganda machine with roped in followers to act as "grass roots" members of bogus patriotic cause. 
It is not hard to create an organization to dupe the public; all it takes is lots of money, a professional propaganda mill, and a mob chanting a few provided slogans and signs bussed to scheduled political gatherings; or to opposition town hall meetings. 
The Republicans have been saying all along that they haven't been able to create the right message, one that people will buy.  Propaganda works but not all the time, particularly when it has been debunked over time.  The Republicans are still hopeful that their lies will be believed. 
The Democrats need to develop some back bone.  Harry Reid's weak voiced counters to the Republican's attacks hardly convince anyone that the Democrats have a strong argument, or an argument at all.
If the Republicans worked for the American People as hard as they did for corporations and the insurance companies we would be in good shape, instead we are watching wages decline, insurance rates go up, decline of U.S. infrastructure, decline of our manufacturing base, a runaway capitalistic system, and declining energy resources. The Republican's continual reference of "the American People" is disingenuous; they are really referring to that small percentage at the top as being the ones they are really representing.  You don't see them fighting tooth and nail for middle class and under tax breaks, health care, higher learning scholarships, consumer protection, and the list goes on.  Instead they cut to the bone any middle class programs that promote civil well being. 
Americans will someday realize that they have a government without representation.  What then?