Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Jesus' Tomb?

It is amusing to watch the Christian Propagandists scurrying about trying to discredit the documentary about an 1980 discovery of a tomb containing burial sarcophagi with the names of Jesus, Mary, Mary, Joseph, and Judas on them. The statistical chances of these names appearing together is remote but not impossible--as the documentary apparently points out.

If it were a discovery, such as a burial box with the name of James, brother to Jesus on it, it would be hailed as "proof" of the existence of Jesus. There too statistics and coincidence might be a factor. Christians have never failed to hail "discoveries", of pieces of wood on Middle Eastern mountains, scratches on rocks, and whatever, to support their own beliefs--beliefs which are contradicted by their own writings. The stories about Jesus contradict each other, a fact that Christians avoid by stressing one story over others.

Even if Jesus' body was found with nails in place Christians would find a way to deny the discovery--if people are so gullible to believe in such stories as found in the Bible they are gullible enough believe in any explanations Christian leaders would concoct; after all religion is a great money-maker.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

What! Me Worry?

Why worry about global warming, greenhouse gases, the environment, illegal aliens and what else? Humans insist on folly when it is obvious reason would do.

Take energy for instance. Since 1855 the U.S. has used up its 200 billion barrel reserves and a quarter of the world's reserves and continues to guzzle whats left. Now others have been fast tracking their economies with the same stuff, aping the U.S. formula for success. The guzzling goes on at a 1.25 percent exponential rate plus matching population growth. As supplies become tighter, due to less retrievable oil, competition for the stuff increases creating tensions and higher prices; all the while oil producers sit back and dictate terms. The U.S. uses 7 billion barrels of oil per year and has an estimated oil reserve of 21 billion, which is being added to at a 1:9 ratio--one added per nine barrels consumed. Conservative estimates indicate the world will consume its retrievable oil in less than 25 years. But the problem is shortages, due to the difficulty of supplying large amounts of oil in a given time, like putting out a fire with a garden hose, and interruptions, due to politics and war, will add to the problem of supply.

So, I don't worry too much about Brazil's rain forests, or global warming--nature takes care of its own. When there is no more oil the chain saws will stop and the factories will shut down, and cars and other vehicles will become rust piles. Maybe then the frogs will be heard again.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Juaruxw Department VS Border Patrol

It would seem by the facts slowly percolating out of court records that the Administration, through its proxy the Justice Department run by a descendant of an illegal alien (based on his own words of being not clear as to his grandfathers immigration status) Ernesto Gonzales, set out to "punish" any border patrol agents who enforced immigration laws with due diligence.

The Justice Department gave immunity to an admitted drug dealer who was engaged in moving a large shipment of marijuana at the time of his being shot while trying to escape apprehension.

It seems that the Justice Department has done its best to punish law officers and reward drug dealers. One could ask "what war on drugs"? A war is where shots are fired is it not? Does the government usually give amnesty to the enemy and put its soldiers in the brig? My play on words is about as logical as the government's efforts to shot itself in the foot.

The Democrats response, or lack of response, clearly shows just where they stand regarding standing up for law enforcement. It brings up the question "who do Democrats represent"? Clearly it does not seem to be the average American, or what is called the Middle Class.
