Saturday, April 29, 2006

What Voters Should Expect

The mess that the U.S. is now in, in the way of high fuel prices, depleting oil reserves, huge trade deficits, an illegal trillion dollar pluswar, China, and an invasion of our country by foreign nationals, demands action of the voters. Since tar-and-feathering is no longer practiced something new should be tried. How about a signed contract from each of the congressional candidates to the effect that they promise to represent those who voted them in; otherwise face an automatic recall.
As it is now candidates make promises they know they wont or can't possibly keep and end up doing more harm to the voters than good. What have they done so far?
Didn't examine available facts and debate the necessity for the Iraq war. Allowed our immigration enforcement to be ineffective and allow an invasion of foreign nationals into this country. Run up deficits by giving tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations and spend money on questionable projects. Allow outside non-U.S. entities to gain and control major industries and strategic facilities, utilities, and commerce. Relinquished power to the Executive branch of government without adequate oversight. Let politics and ideology rule over the common good.
Lack of oversight on financial and commercial institutions, which will result in future fraud and impacting workers 401K and other pension plans.
Some of the things I would demand from the Administration members and Legislators.
1. Straight answers to questions--preferably consisting of one word answers, like yes or no.
2. No more Airforce One--especially for campaign purposes or Propaganda use.
3. No more "working vacations"--either it is vacation or work. Three weeks a year like everyone else.
4. Get rid of Propaganda departments at the expense of the taxpayer. Performance, not hype, is what counts.
5. No more "Western or Eastern Whitehouses". We provide government quarters, complete with all kinds of ambiance; that should suffice. If you don't like the conditions don't run for office.
6. Public oversight on government. No more "Shadow Governments" behind closed doors.
7. A signed contract to the voters of what the candidate will try his utmost to do, provide to the voter, and who he thinks the voter is. GW Bush talks about the "American People" when he is really meaning wealthy elite and corporations. "We, The People" remember?
that's it for now--its up to the voters. The problem is the people don't get to decide who the candidates are, that is decided by party elites and insiders. We have got to change that somehow.

Friday, April 28, 2006

What Is Good Leadership?

The mad scramble of politicians all trying to cover their asses brings to my mind the question, what do we expect out of our representatives? Good leadership; which I define as "not only being able to manipulate people to do what you want them do do but also being ahead of the curve on important issues". By that I mean being able to anticipate problems before they become acute. Anyone with half a brain could see that gas prices would be going out of sight; what with all the chaos from our going into Iraq; that the Middle East is unstable and the threat of interruptions is likely to drive the price of oil up and up. And boy did our Administration get it wrong about Iraq--though a little instability in the region is good for the oil business--a win win situation for Exxon. And hey, what about oil conservation--now all of sudden car gas mileage is too high, too many gas guzzlers on the road. Everyone looks for a rationale to encourage their fads--the government doesn't see any danger regarding oil interruptions so why not buy $40,000 gas guzzling monsters? Don't require auto companies to design fuel efficient cars and fuel systems; the need for economy is decades away, right?
What about alternatives? Right now we could be using, without severe modifications, ethanol, biodiesel, and syngas. We would likely be saving ourselves billions of dollars in the process by not having to fight wars over oil, or guard it jealously. We would be saving ourselves billions of dollars in foreign debt and eliminating trade imbalances. It is about time we had good leadership and straight answers.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Now it is "Snow, Smoke, and Mirrors"

The transfer of Tony Snow to the White House from Fox is a clear indication that this administration is still depending on Propaganda to sway public opinion, instead of straight talk. His being selected sent the media all-a-twitter; a bunch of simpering fools if you ask me. The administration is using one of the oldest propaganda tactics around--the pseudo critic to represent them. So Tony Snow made a few criticisms of Bush--in Snow's own words he admires GW Bush, so a few criticisms is not going to give him credibility to the public.
If Bush wants to increase his popularity he might try staying behind his desk in the White House, do some reading and thinking about what is going on in the government, country, and the world; and come up with some sound decisions--one's that benefit the people of this country (not the "people" he represents--corporations and the wealthy). As it is he is dashing all over the country chasing the "holy grail" of public opinion and getting further and further away from finding it.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

No Way Jose!

May 1 it is estimated that thousands of illegal aliens and their supporters will be in the streets demanding that they be given "legal" status and a short cut to citizenship.
If foreign nationals think they can come into this country and demand "rights" they do not have (and no one else has either), arrogantly demand that they be given citizenship, demonstrate and threaten, they then can expect to lose any sympathy they may have incurred by their plight of being poor and their willingness to better their condition.
What gives them the right to come here and expect to jump ahead of others who have gone through the process of applying and waiting, sometimes years, for a chance to become citizens?
Where do their proponents find the justifications to support such an unethical action? Fast talk and bogus arguments just doesn't cut it.
So I got to say "No way Jose!" you aren't going to be allowed to cut in line, get away with breaking our laws, using the system, and become citizens--especially when you flaunt it all in my face.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Bush Still Counting His Chickens

GW Bush is still counting his chickens before they are hatched--remember "Mission Accomplished". Iraq exemplifies Bush's inability to grasp complex issues. His counting victory upon Iraq's selection of a PM is pure and simply stupid. The chances of a government forming out of this mess is less than 50%; with a higher percentage going for a civil war. Mission accomplished, indeed! His predictions for hydrogen power is bogus.
Electric cars, fuel cells, hydrogen powered vehicles, fusion etc. are all pie-in-the-sky wishful thinking. For decades they have been predicting--in the nest 10 years we will have a breakthrough and everything will be hunky-dorry. It is all a big put off, a scam, by the government and the car-oil industry, loosely cooperating to milk the most out of oil holdings and car consumers.
In my two articles in American Survival Guide, July and September 2000 issues, I laid it all out in "The Big Crunch" and "Oil Alternatives" , predicting the mess we are in now, and will be in the future. I'd recommend obtaining the articles through your library. It would be helpful in understanding the issue and what we can be doing about it. This administration has been scamming the public in order to create the most favorable business climate for oil and industry (Corporate America) that they can--at the expense of the "Middle Class". What should they have been doing? Legislating better gas mileage, encouraging alternative fuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, giving tax credits for wind and solar power, and encouraging using coal for making syngas--like is being done in South Africa.
It was estimated that synthetic petroleum could have been made for $45 a barrel--at the now $75 per barrel price that would seem to be a bargain. But making gasoline from coal would hurt the oil industry maybe. Ethanol and biodiesel are not likely to be pushed as alternatives because they can be made by small operators, even by farmers themselves, and the oil industry would lose their monopoly if we went that route.
We cut our gas consumption by half in 1973--a big shock to the oil industry--and it has only been till recently that we reached that high consumption rate; thanks to everyone buying SUVs. The public can be blamed in part for the mess we are now in but I have to put most of the blame on the corporations for hyping the vehicles and creating a market for them.
No, the government and industry could have prevented the predicament we are now in but that would have hurt someone's profits.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Who are You Going to Trust?

The Republicans are touting this Economy as being the best and everyone should be happy about that, right? Yeah, they are doing just swell--what with high gasoline prices and no regulation on how they make and keep their money. Layoffs, outsourcing, union busting, the WTO, illegals taking good paying jobs--you get the idea. Is there anywhere in that list a hint of security in there for middle-class workers? Do you feel safe about having a pension from your 401K plan or company plan after Enron and the stock market dive and companies all of a sudden cutting back on pension plans and benefits? If anyone has money socked away it has a big fat target pasted on it; for the benefit of someone with connections in high places. The "system" has been set up for an elite few and they couldn't care less about your welfare, only in the money they can get out of you.
It has rankled the "elites" for years now that the "workers" were able to have some leverage, that they could share in some of the benefits of their hard labor. That leverage is now gone, thanks to a complacent middle class and greedy politicians.
It will only get worse. How about "The People's Republic of America" anyone? If a revolution by the people doesn't happen soon we are facing a takeover by multi-national companies, companies whose only "loyalty" is the bottom line.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Rumsfeld and the Generals

We have been making the same mistakes we made back in the '60s. A Secretary more interested in "revamping" the military than in getting the job done. It is a wonder some of the Generals have spoken out at all as they are "generally" a castrated lot; spending years saying "yes sir" to orders that may get them killed. I have to question the mental state of anyone whose profession centers on killing others, all the while they stand a good chance of having "those others" killing them. Their rationale is questionable too--to preserve "the State" at the expense of their "individuality" and lives, and to follow questionable policies such as the war in Iraq. I guess some poor bastard has to do it. I was once one of those "poor bastards", unfortunately.
It is one thing to retaliate against an enemy, such as Germany and Japan were, but to go to war because of "bad intelligence", against an enemy already on the ropes, all the while ignoring real threats; it is asking a lot out of a volunteer military. The real problem is that this war is showing our vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and incompetency. Because of "policy" we are in a quagmire, sinking deeper and deeper into a mess.
We either have to make a decision to "win" in the region or get out as gracefully as we can. As it is we are becoming the "paper tiger" to our enemies--such as Iran and China. Our incompetancy in Iraq is just encouraging others to thumb their noses at our policies and leadership.
How to win? First of all do what needs to be done, the old fashioned way. We won Iraq--it is ours. All this political garbage is just that--garbage. Take over command of the country. The Germans took over many countries and controlled them, why can't we? The answer to that is because we are playing politics and not acting as conquerors--we are conquerors and it is about time to start acting as such, or get out of Iraq.
We have been trying to be lean and mean--mean is good enough. Being lean might work against a third rate military and regime but "lean" hasn't been the solution in Iraq, or at any time against guerrilla fighters.
More troops would do two things at least--controlling movement and access of would-be guerrillas and it would send a message to those in the region that we aren't anyone to fool with. Unfortunately we were in with a penny; and now its in with a Pound.
I wasn't in favor of this war to begin with--it was like opening up Pandora's Box--no one knew what would happen, still don't. Certainly not flowers at our feet. Our Administration has depended on Propaganda to pull their chestnuts out of the fire--that works for a time--but real issues demand real solutions and it is now at that point--now is the time for real solutions.

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Deceit, a verb, to mislead, delude, misinform, defraud, cheat, fool, taken in, hoax, bamboozle, lie, hoodwink, swindle, duped, gall, seduce, con, hype--
Human beings are congenital liars. They lie to themselves (the worst), they lie to parents, parents lie to their children, pastors and priests to their congregations, politicians to their constituents, corporations to their investors, tax payers on their tax returns, and ad infinitum.
The lengths that "liars" go to to convince others is amazing to me. Religion, politics, and business are the obvious sources for lies that impact our lives.
People are strongly attached to certain ideas--ideas (beliefs), which they will not give up despite all common sense refutations to the contrary. The "Shroud of Turin" is a good example of how resistant people can be to "proof". Grasping at straws comes to mind when people resort to self-deception.
For those not familiar with the controversy; an examination of the shroud was made by a group of experts and carbon-dating was done. Three independent labs conducted the tests and all three came up with the same result--the shroud did not date back to Jesus's time. As is often the case with such controversies, where belief over rides reason, explain-aways cropped up and no definitive claim could be made to its being a fraud. In other words claims were made that the material picked to make the carbon dating was material used to repair the shroud and therefore was material that would date much later. Though the "explanation" is not valid, it couldn't be disproved ater-the-fact, it gives those who want to believe that the shroud is Jesus's death shroud a rationale to do so.
As I pointed out in my essay about Jesus being the Messiah? at Christians go to great lengths to deceive themselves and others. To anyone who has studied the Bible, without it being explained by religious propagandists, it is evident that the beliefs held by Christians are not supported by the Bible. The Old Testament and the New Testament are in conflict to each other--the New Testament throws out the laws as set down in the Old Testament, laws that, when violated, God exacted severe punishment on the people.
When a God says he doesn't change his mind and apparently does; how good is his word? Is he too a liar? According to the Christians he is. There is confusion too for in the Old Testament God says he is the Beginning and the End; In revelations Jesus says he is the Beginning and the End. Someone is telling a fib.
Christians turn themselves inside out "explaining-away" all the errors and inconsistencies in the Bible. How do you explain-away that the Bible says, Hares chew cuds? Or bats are birds?
Christianity has been one of the biggest con jobs ever on mankind and is a good example of how humans support and maintain a deception; how they deceive themselves first (for some emotional reason) and continue to build on that deception. Any time "reason" or "facts" are introduced their minds shut down like a steel trap; no counter arguments allowed.
In politics people will maintain their belief in a politician despite strong evidence against his/her competency or honesty. Give the people any straw to grasp and they will take it--only when all doubt, an overburden of proof against them, will some of the people let go. Ever notice how polls very seldom get below 33 percent, people are resistant to the truth.
Beliefs are reinforced, like a feedback loop in a electronic circuit, building up strength with each cycle. Lies and deception build on themselves growing stronger each time they are told. The stories and myths grow ever bigger and grand. However, there seems to be a length of time a belief will live--3000 years? Maybe Mary will in time go the way Isis did; to be remembered only in stone chips.

Friday, April 14, 2006


Ted Kennedy and reps of Raza have been interpreting the word "amnesty" as "forgiveness" in order to avoid the word "amnesty"--if that makes any sense. The word derives from amnesia, which is "to forget". The dictionary defines the word amnesty as pardon to a group of people by the government. Those who have received amnesty, or pardons, in the past had to meet certain requirements; such as come in and sign an agreement they would not do whatever they did again, turn in their guns, etc. Forgiveness does not enter into the equation because "forgiveness" is not a legal term. So Ted and Raza reinterpreting the word, to avoid public prejudice, is deceit pure and simple. Amnesty is what it is and reinterpreting the word and process will do no good--that is, if someone confronts them on it. So far I've listened to them over the last month "explaining" that amnesty doesn't mean amnesty without anyone calling them on their interpretation of amnesty being "forgiveness".
It never fails to amaze me as to how clever human kind is in lying to themselves and others when they want something. It seems we are born congenital liars and it takes real discipline to avoid lying and dealing only in truth. Lying is a subject for a future blog, however, but lying is a big part of the arguments that are being used to further the cause of unlawful immigration in this country. Unlawful and against the desires of the majority in this country.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Illegal Immigration and the Media

The Media, in their pursuit for "human" stories, are lending implicit approval to illegal immigration. Picking out "success" stories of illegal aliens, after obtaining legal status, becoming millionaires--fulfilling the "American Dream"--sends a powerful message of approval to many who would like to do the same. The many thousands who do not are ignored; and entirely ignored are the many thousands who end up in our prisons--or worse, those who do not, but should.
Then there are the "economic studies" done by liberal academics and institutions who predict "dire consequences" if we do not have illegal immigrants laboring for us. What ever happened to the "can-do" spirit of the American People. "Give the American People a level playing field and we can compete with anyone". Now it seems we can't do it without underpaid illegal immigrants doing our toiling for us.
I wish they would get their stories straight.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Illegals Invoking Squatters Rights?

Advocates for illegal immigration are now invoking "squatter's rights" as a reason for allowing foreign nationals, now residing in this country illegally, the right to stay and gain citizenship. It worked when Europeans first came to the Americas so there is a precedent established that gives people the right to take over by using physical occupation of a country. However, there comes a time when someone has to draw the line and rule it an invalid method for occupation. So far that doesn't seem to be the case.
Lying seems to be the rule by advocates of illegal immigration--that's all they have. Case in point--Governor Richardson stated last night that it would cost too much to enforce existing or pending laws, to send illegals back and enforce labor laws, and then went into a long litany of means by which they could fine illegals, give background checks, establish residency etc.--all of which would be harder to do than enforcing existing and pending laws. In effect Richardson lied.
As I mentioned in a previous blog costs of the enforcement program could be financed, at least in part, by fines on employers who hire illegals. The savings, by reducing welfare, education, medical costs, would be another way to "finance" immigration enforcement.
Then of course there is "Homeland Security". What a farce! I'm no expert but I could at least figure out how to secure our borders and ports better than what is being done at the moment. Border enforcement and immigration enforcement are linked at some points so expenses could be shared--a savings?
At any rate; squatters rights does not qualify anyone for citizenship in this country. It is just another lame reason for illegal activity.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Illegal "Immigration" is not Immigration

What everyone seems to call "illegal immigration" is not immigration but an invasion of our country by foreign nationals. They, and their supporters, are blurring the issue by trying to include "illegal" with the "legal" term; which is totally dishonest.
The demonstrations being held by illegals and their supporters should be a wake-up call to how serious the problem is, and will be in the future, if some control and common sense does not prevail.
The "illegals" cry for immigration rights. They don't have any--it is simple as that, yet they and our legislators seem not to "get-it"--they don't belong here and most of them wouldn't stand a chance at immigrating legally. Their motives are purely selfish, they want some of our "good life" and "opportunities". So do millions of others who don't get the chance. Not everyone gets a chance, nor should they.
A real and honest debate is required--one in which some reason has a chance.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Libby Case revelation

Everyone should have figured out that any "leaks" out of the White House would have had "approval" from the President and/or Vice-President. That's a given. Now there is a fessing up going on with the usual rationalizing about legality and rights-to-so--like every other breach of ethics or law that this administration has perpetrated. When is it going to happen--the nation-wide outrage and demand for impeachment? Censure is not enough, but would at least a step in the right direction. I have been saying all along that this administration has both an arrogance and honesty problem. The fact that this administration resorts to out and out propaganda to further its agendas rather then common-sense arguments should have clued many. But unfortunately it didn't until the cats were out of the bag, (Notice the plural reference) .
We've had bad Presidents in the past, some with large credibility problems, but never have I seen, or read about, one with this large a credibility problem and coupled with arrogance of power and a favoritism to an elite few. Never have I heard a President say, " I've been given political capital and am now going to spend it". Political capital does not mean the rights of power inherent in old fashioned kingship. A President is not "above" the law and "Commander-in-Chief" means power over the military, not over the people, except for provisions given by the peoples representatives, and powers as outlined within the Constitution. Our government has only power that the People give--not power that the government innately has. Government in this country does not have innate power, otherwise it would be a dictatorship; dictating to the people as it sees fit. This administration over time has attempted to usurp power in order to fulfill its agenda of greed and power. Fortunately this administrations inaptitude, despite its penchant for secrecy, has revealed its methods, transgressions, and plans. The next move is up to the voter.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Y'All Come

Y'All Come on in, the government won't do anything about it. Good pay, friendly folks, stay as long as you want, get free medical, even citizenship. Get free education for your kids, send them to college, automatic citizenship if you have your kids here. What a deal and all paid for by someone else.
Work hard and you become a citizen. Never mind that sneaking over the border might push someone else out of line for citizenship, there should be a quota--but if not, sneaking over the border and working hard is the standing immigration policy, the road to citizenship. Laws don't mean much in this country, unless you are in the middle-class, then you have to declare your wages, pay taxes, and obey all the laws. Americans are repeatedly being lied to and sold out by our legislators and administrations. In 1986, the Amnesty Program was to "solve" the problem--then the provisions that would have solved the problem were promptly ignored.
Compromise in this case is no solution. Any provisions in it will be ignored and we will end up with 11 to 20 million more poor uneducated to provide for--that is until they have lots of kids then that number will jump to 50 million or more. We are buying a pig in a poke if you get my drift.
We should legislate one issue at a time. Legislate the border problem first. Then legislate what to do with the unlawful foreign nationals next (as separate issues). Then legislate the guest worker program. The issues are then not tied together and get watered down to nothing or bad legislation.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Guest Worker Program?

It is now an "institution" for some employers to have foreign nationals come into this country to work for low wages and few benefits. However, Americans are asking for trouble when they propose to allow foreign nationals come in for three years at a time. That is residency, not a "guest worker" program. Allowing a three year stay is inviting foreign nationals to come in and get "comfortable", raise families--in other words a three year visa is encouraging a "backdoor" immigration program. A six month visa is more than enough time for any "guest worker" to come in and work and get the crops in etc. As usual our legislators and administration is not thinking about the repercussions of their actions.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Rights or Privileges?

Demonstrations in the streets, comments from abroad, all claim "rights" to work and live alongside citizens as if they were citizens. Citizens do have the "right" to live and work in this country and partake of the benefits they and their ancestors earned by work, toil, and blood. Foreign Nationals have the privilege of doing so, with our "permission". It is not a "God given" right for them to be in the U.S., it is not a "God given" right that they find work here, it is not a "God given" right that they be allowed citizenship. As citizens we have the right to say no to Foreign Nationals.
Unfortunatley some legislators have bought into the idea that foreign nationals have some sort of right to work, live, and have citizenship despite the law and the majority's wishes.
In the past I made the mistake to assume our legislators were well educated, abreast of the issues, and had brains--Iraq, deficits, and the illegal alien issue has unfortunately proven me wrong. Not only are they dumb as rocks they can't even fall back on trying to represent the people's interests. Greedy, power hungry, and idealogues for the most part--the American people deserve better.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Illegal "Immigration"--A Growing Disaster

The Polls indicate it isn't a "big issue" now, but just wait a short while--it will be. Politicians are in "panic mode" at the moment, as they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. I don't feel sorry for them because they have been ignoring or mistreating the issue for a long time now and it is finally catching up to them--and unfortunately "us" as well.
Politicians are great at manipulation but not at solving problems. Their remedy is to throw up their hands and say "we can't solve the problem because it will displace too many people". Wrong! The answer to the problem is to make them displace themselves back to Mexico or wherever. Right now they have carte blanche to find jobs, open businesses, buy homes, get free medical care, and all without much fear of getting caught. If they did not have all those benefits and opportunities they wouldn't be here in such large numbers. As it is they get a free ride back to the border, no fines or punishment imposed on them, and in a few days they are back in the U.S.
If they didn't have those jobs, business opportunities, etc. they would return to where they came from. Most of them wouldn't need to be rounded up by the immigration authorities; which is an action that most legislators feel would lose them votes and cause a ruckus. Here is out it could be done.
Legislate a law that would fine employers for hiring workers that couldn't prove legal status, such as citizenship visas, or green cards to work. The fine to be $10,000 for each illegal worker. Green cards would have to be verifiable (an easy thing to do really). Ignorance of status would not be an excuse.
Give illegal foreign nationasl residing in the U.S. a six month "get out of town" moratorium. After that they would be subject to six months incarceration (working in the fields) then returned to the border. The second instance would merit an additional six months; i.e., one year for the second offense.
Impose the existing labor and health laws that are already on the books. Since many illegal foreign nationals rent out houses and then fill them up wall to wall there should be health, zoning laws, etc. that would discourage that sort of activity. Why the IRS isn't cracking down on employers that hire illegal foreign nationals and pay them under the table in order to avoid payroll and other taxes I don't understand. The backdoor amnesty has a major flaw to it.
Ted Kennedy didn't clarify one point--when illegal foreign nationals go back to the end of the line (still in line) does that mean other applicants for citizenship would be crowded out and not get in line; or does that mean we get a huge influx of additional immigrants over what we would normally let in? In other words do we gain 10 to 20 million immigrants over the 1 or 2 million per year we allow in now?
Allowing that many aliens into the U.S. all with a similar cultural background, skews our "American" identity out of whack. Do Americans want to have Spanish as a second language, fly the Mexican flag (under or over the American flag), and have Cinco de Mayo as a National Holiday?
Americans had better consider the on-going alien invasion, and its consequences. As it is we are very close to giving up our birthright.