Attorney General Gonzales and TSP Testimony
The lesson we are learning, if Nixon and Reagan did not teach us the lesson, is that the Executive Branch of U.S. government has too much power. The Republicans view the office as a means of forming a shadow government, above the law, and without oversight by other branches of government, to promote social agendas and excursions such as the Iraq war.
Warrantless wiretapping is a good example of abuse. The inability of Congress to investigate possible unlawful behavior by the Bush administration, by implementing the questionable warrantless wiretapping program, using the NSA and the Justice Department, is a threat to our Democracy. The administration has done a great job of hiding behind executive privilege, national security, fuzzy definitions, silence, and possibly outright lies.
The administration's offer of allowing interviews of administration personnel, without an oath, transcripts, and in private chambers, smacks of deceit. I can see an interview in private--but squelching oaths and transcripts indicates subterfuge.
I've stated in previous blogs that warrantless wiretaps means that a judge would probably find that they were not justified and therefore unlawful and no warrant would be issued in that particular case. The wiretapping was most likely one where large numbers of Americans were routinely "scanned", using software to ferret out particular language likely to be used by "terrorists". E-mail too is likely being "scanned" in an effort to "detect" terrorists.
This President feels he is "all powerful", and above the law--of the "ends justifies the means" school. He does not have faith in Democracy, preferring a "sure thing"; relying on dictatorship to protect the nation and its people. His positioning of Gonzales as Attorney General was a master stroke, as this protected his legal "flank" from being overrun. Gonzales' inability to cover for Bush and his warrantless wiretapping program is a weak flank, dependent on reserve forces (fellow partisan Republicans) in Congress and in the courts. They aren't fooling the majority of us but as long as they can confuse the issue no can not be held accountable.
When Bush's regime comes to an end you can be sure that there will be a humongous shredding party and bonfire. What happens in Washington, stays in Washington?