Friday, July 27, 2007

Attorney General Gonzales and TSP Testimony

The lesson we are learning, if Nixon and Reagan did not teach us the lesson, is that the Executive Branch of U.S. government has too much power. The Republicans view the office as a means of forming a shadow government, above the law, and without oversight by other branches of government, to promote social agendas and excursions such as the Iraq war.
Warrantless wiretapping is a good example of abuse. The inability of Congress to investigate possible unlawful behavior by the Bush administration, by implementing the questionable warrantless wiretapping program, using the NSA and the Justice Department, is a threat to our Democracy. The administration has done a great job of hiding behind executive privilege, national security, fuzzy definitions, silence, and possibly outright lies.
The administration's offer of allowing interviews of administration personnel, without an oath, transcripts, and in private chambers, smacks of deceit. I can see an interview in private--but squelching oaths and transcripts indicates subterfuge.
I've stated in previous blogs that warrantless wiretaps means that a judge would probably find that they were not justified and therefore unlawful and no warrant would be issued in that particular case. The wiretapping was most likely one where large numbers of Americans were routinely "scanned", using software to ferret out particular language likely to be used by "terrorists". E-mail too is likely being "scanned" in an effort to "detect" terrorists.
This President feels he is "all powerful", and above the law--of the "ends justifies the means" school. He does not have faith in Democracy, preferring a "sure thing"; relying on dictatorship to protect the nation and its people. His positioning of Gonzales as Attorney General was a master stroke, as this protected his legal "flank" from being overrun. Gonzales' inability to cover for Bush and his warrantless wiretapping program is a weak flank, dependent on reserve forces (fellow partisan Republicans) in Congress and in the courts. They aren't fooling the majority of us but as long as they can confuse the issue no can not be held accountable.
When Bush's regime comes to an end you can be sure that there will be a humongous shredding party and bonfire. What happens in Washington, stays in Washington?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

U-Tube Debate and the Gun Issue

The Democrat position is quite clear regarding the Gun Issue--they just plain have contempt for anyone who owns, likes, shoots, hunts with, tinkers with, or has anything to do with guns. Biden couldn't have spelled it out any better when he voiced his contempt of a gun owner; when the gun owner voiced his question and called his rifle he was holding, "Baby". Giving nicknames to guns is an age old tradition by Americans, and Europeans in general. I guess Biden never read "Last of the Mohicans"-- I forgot the name of the rifle carried by the Deerslayer; but there are many mentions of rifles names in American folklore. Biden was the only one to give a response to this thorny issue--one of the main issues which separate the Democrats from the Republicans. The gun issue is just one issue of many, which illustrates their disregard for American traditions and national sovereignty issues. They pander to special interests; corporate, labor, and ethnocentrical; and Gravel was right, "follow the money". Who is donating all those millions of dollars and why?
The American electorate is in big trouble if what we have seen so far is all we got to vote for. The ones, who have so far shown good judgment, such as Kucinich who voted against the Iraq invasion, is just not "Presidential"; whatever that might be. The Democratics in the lead obviously looked to see the way the wind was blowing at the time and voted for war, because the populace had bought Bush's propaganda campaign and were clamoring for war. In my mind then they are not capable of making good decisions, as common sense should have told them a big scam by the Bush administration was taking place. Remember the drones filled with WMD the Iraqis were going to launch against the U.S.--they couldn't even fly over their own country!
The amnesty question was not asked--hmmm, no one thought to ask that question? Because the amnesty question was not asked the issue is still in limbo in voter's minds; at least regarding where the candidates stand on the issue.
The U-Tube way of asking questions definitely is the way to go--providing those selecting the questions are not partisan. No way to tell if partisanship played a part in this case but some questions critical to showing the differences between the Democrats and Republicans were downplayed or not asked--as I pointed out above. Not all the candidates were allowed to way in on some questions, which is unfortunate.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Immigration By Intimidation

Immigration policy in the U.S. is dominated by intimidation--anarchy, street demonstrations, legal threats, politics, crime, drugs--anything but reason. Police are afraid to ask immigration status for fear the illegal alien community will not cooperate when a crime has been committed. Communities are afraid to protect legal citizens rights for fear that they will be sued by illegal alien support groups. Corporations buy off politicians so that immigration laws will not be enforced. Illegal aliens take to the streets and demand "rights" that they do not have by law.
The U.S. citizen is conflicted between the desire to be charitable and humane on the one hand and respect for law and justice on the other. Add propaganda and disinformation from once respected representatives, religious leaders, and the President to the issue it is no wonder that half of the population sides with the illegal aliens in their demand for amnesty and citizenship.


Sunday, July 08, 2007

Bush--Like Father, Like Son

George Bush's commuting of Scooter Libby's prison sentence brings to mind his father's pardon of Casper Weinberger, who would have been questioned about his and other's role in the Iran-Contra scandal. Casper Weinberger had conveniently stashed his White House meeting notes in the Library of Congress to avoid having to testify about them. The Bush's are adroit at covering their tracks and the commuting of Libby's sentence not only served to keep Libby out of prison but also squelches any testimony, which would bring out possible skulduggery by members in the White House. The Republicans and Conservatives continue to believe that they are blessed by God or whoever and above lawful, ethical, and moral constraints.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Iraq--Go After the Clerics

From what I have read in the Koran killing of innocents is not justified--a fact admitted by Islamic radicals themselves. Radical clerics are haranguing their flocks daily to go out and kill infidels--particularly Americans, British, and Israelis. Politics, religion, and hate is a witches brew that requires strong medicine to excise.
The only logical recourse left is to go after those clerics who promote hate and violence; removing the head of the snake, so to speak.
Not to do so is to accept the status quo of continued attacks on our troops and innocent Iraqis. We could expect some uproar from our enemies but removing radical clerics would have a profound long term positive effect; by reducing the numbers of terrorist recruits.