Health Care Debate
If you want reliable "facts" about Health Care in this country don't rely on Cable, Broadcast, paper media to enlighten you as everyone has a finger in the pie.
That everyone has a right to "life" there is no doubt but everyone has their opinion as to the "quality" of life everyone should have. There is no doubt too as to some having a greater "right" to profit over "life", however.
Our legislators fight harder for that right than they do for everyone having health care. The media seems to overlook that fact in their questioning of our legislators and certainly do not bring up the fact that those same legislators receive thousands of dollars from profit oriented special interests. The first question a journalist should ask of a legislator, when being asked to comment on controversial legislation, is how much money has been contributed by special interests who may benefit by your position?
A public health plan would tend to drive prices of insurance plans down; if properly designed. Not much advocacy has been tendered for public health care for every one's concern has been that to implement a public plan would hurt private health plans and make it impossible for doctors to make money. At 100 dollars for about 6 minutes a visit how could they not make money, or even at 50 dollars for 6 minutes average? Wasn't there something in the Hippocratic Oath about not turning away patients because they didn't have money? Something about the profession being driven by profit?
Logically how can the health industry be driven by the desire for high profits? Profit is the anti-thesis of aiding the sick, or preventing disease. What should be more important--profit or health? That is the question that should being asked. Which should come first? Should health be sacrificed for the sake of profit?
The Republicans throwing up "death panels" to do in "granny" when she is no longer profitable is a contradiction. The Republicans are the ones most obsessed by profit, not so much the Democrats. The Republicans have been the ones protecting the AMA doctors and insurance companies, HMOs and the like. Talk about bureaucrats telling doctors how to practice medicine! Talk about waiting for medical procedures!
How much profit is there in medicine? Maybe that fact would enlighten us and give us an idea of what is driving the debate on both sides.