Monday, November 17, 2014

Our Government Sucks

I don't like to use the word "sucks" but it does have one thing going for it--truth.  Our government is living up to the word and proving to the world that Democracy does not work.  The United States has been the most successful government in history, formed in 1776 and continued till now, 2014 with only one hitch--the Civil War to mar its reputation.  All that time we have been the example to go by for governments throwing off the shackles of tyranny and pulling on the robes of representative government. 

Now we have a bunch of yahoos doing their best to tear down the institution by obstructing democratic principles, demonizing the President and opposition congress members, utilizing propaganda to further agendas that delegitimize the middle class population and their representatives. 

The "American People" label is invoked often when Conservatives speak and they would have us believe that they are speaking up for the majority of Americans; but by their actions their "American People" are a few power elite who fill politician's campaign coffers.  The power elite being from the Pharmaceutical Corporations, Bankers and Investment Companies, Oil Companies, Media Corporations, Energy Companies, Military Contractors; anyone who has money to invest,--these are the "American People" who our Congressmen and women represent.   They do not let the pain and suffering of the people interfere with business interests for this pain and suffering are the "people's" fault and not to be encouraged, for that would lead to dependency on the part of the lazy poor. 

What the Elite and their paid for representatives fail to understand is that when the general population, the "masses", are paid decent wages, find educational opportunities, have good health, have available decent and affordable housing, have jobs, and a fair legal system business flourishes and the elite fair well. 

We are on our way to becoming a third world country where opportunity is systematically thwarted to a point it no longer exists and the "land of the free" becomes the "land of the oppressed". 


Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Ebola Here to Stay?

I have kept an open mind, attentive to details experts have given, and am far away from any possible contact with it allowing me to view the threat with some objectivity.

Half of those that acquire it die.  That is the scary part.  A person must come in contact with an afflicted person's body fluids, such as blood, sweat, saliva, feces, in order to be infected with Ebola.  It is not an air-born spread disease.  It can be killed relatively easy by using a disinfectant, such as chorine bleach.  It has a incubation period of from a few days up to twenty-one days.  This variable incubation period makes it difficult to control, since a person can travel a long ways away from the initial contact point to a city anywhere in the world, without knowing he/she has contracted it.  With enough available resources a country can treat and quarantine individuals infected with the virus.  The protocol for stopping the disease must be religiously applied if the disease is to be annihilated. 

I have heard a lot of panicky talk, about closing down air travel to afflicted areas and other extreme measures to stop the spread of the disease.  Knowledge, training, and applying proven techniques will stop the spread of this disease, not hysteria. 

Where the Democrats Went Wrong

The ground game wasn't enough to overcome the Republican strategy of demonizing the Democrats, in particular the chief Democrat Obama, and using every Propaganda ploy existing. 

"When I was growing up I castrated pigs" is a good example of propaganda, "one of the folks" and demonizing those representing us in Washington.  An "us them" ploy. 

What with all the abuse of power and money the Republicans have done recently and in the past the Democrats should have won hands down.  They could have rallied around the President and defused the demonizing bomb that has been taking place since Obama was elected--twice.  The Republicans have been up front with their intentions; where was the Democratic counter?  A lack of guts?

Too afraid to confront those active in the propaganda campaign, namely Rush, Fox News, and the Conservative "strategists" that appear in the media at every opportunity.  They sound convincing what with their conviction and slick messaging.  The Democrats have some talented "strategists", but too few and low key to do much good against the Propaganda onslaught that has been going on for six years. 

The Big Lie has been used over and over against Obama policies and legislation.  Obamacare has been more of a success than a failure but hasn't been lauded enough by the Democrats and so it has been a "failure" in many eyes. 

The Republicans have attacked Obama and the Democrats at every turn and opportunity, making up failures when there were none or at worst insignificant.  In effect the President has been "demonized" and trivialized to such an extent that his successes haven't been recognized as such.  In reality he has been a calm, deliberate, efficient President who has had more than his share of problems not of his doing. 

The damage done to this country in their effort to take control has bordered on the traitorous.  It is "un-American", harmful to the Country and its People.  Why hasn't this been pointed out and hammered in so that the American People realize the harm that is being done.  That should be the ploy that the Democrats should be using. 

The Democrats have a great opportunity to hammer the Republicans, if only they had focus and a theme to be guided by.  The Republicans now want success.  Deny them that by using their own tactics against them.  Demonize them in return.  Show backbone.  Timidity will be only met with aggression.  If the Democrats don't get it together 2016 will be worse.