What Is Sarah Palin Proficient At?
The Answer: Self-promotion. She touts herself as adequately "traveled", having been to Canada, a fuel stop in Ireland, visited a checkpoint between Iraq and Kuwait, is an oil "expert" because she taxed Alaskan oil companies and promoted an oil/natural gas pipeline; an expert at international affairs because she can "see" Russia from her doorstep? Does that mean she lives in Nome Alaska? Did I mention she has a monopoly on the noun "lipstick"?
She would probably last one week as President before her propaganda wore thin, which casts doubt on McCain for picking someone who is obviously not qualified to be President; for the Presidency is ultimately the position one need be ready to assume if the President died or was otherwise incapacitated.
McCain's ethics are in question here for Palin is a political choice, not a choice good for the country. There were far better suited persons for the VP position.
Now her ethics are in question because she has broken her promise to testify, as well as her staff, in an investigation about possible abuse of power. That doesn't look good--what does she have to hide?
Labels: Sarah Palin