Thursday, September 18, 2008

What Is Sarah Palin Proficient At?

The Answer: Self-promotion. She touts herself as adequately "traveled", having been to Canada, a fuel stop in Ireland, visited a checkpoint between Iraq and Kuwait, is an oil "expert" because she taxed Alaskan oil companies and promoted an oil/natural gas pipeline; an expert at international affairs because she can "see" Russia from her doorstep? Does that mean she lives in Nome Alaska? Did I mention she has a monopoly on the noun "lipstick"?
She would probably last one week as President before her propaganda wore thin, which casts doubt on McCain for picking someone who is obviously not qualified to be President; for the Presidency is ultimately the position one need be ready to assume if the President died or was otherwise incapacitated.
McCain's ethics are in question here for Palin is a political choice, not a choice good for the country. There were far better suited persons for the VP position.
Now her ethics are in question because she has broken her promise to testify, as well as her staff, in an investigation about possible abuse of power. That doesn't look good--what does she have to hide?


Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Big Lie Ploy

The "Big Lie" ploy works because it is so blatant, outrageous, in-your-face that it is assumed to be true. It works too because in politics that at least 30% of one side of an ideology will believe anything said or published by their side. It works too because propagandists ardently defend it to the extent that others automatically assume that it has to be "true". Repetition of it over and over again in the face of debunking it makes it "true".
An example of the "Big Lie" is in McCain's claims about Barak Obama's tax plan, stating that Obama will raise the people's taxes when in truth 80 to 95 percent of working class people will get tax breaks.
Another example of McCain's "Big Lie" ploy is in stating that his running mate Sarah Palin, while governor, refused "ear-marks" when in fact received money for questionable projects from the Fed. McCain insisted, when confronted on "The View" about it, that Palin did eliminate ear-marks while Governor of Alaska. It will be interesting to see for how long they try to keep the "Lie" going.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

McCain--Palin: A Great Ventriloquist Act

I don't mean to imply that Sarah Palin is a "dummy" but when you see their act one can't help but conjure up an image of a ventriloquist at work. McCain stands next to Palin with a slight smile on his lips while she heaps accolade after accolade on him. I guess he got tired of telling everyone what a great hero he was, so now his story is given more authority when someone else tells it.
Somehow his agenda doesn't smack true; you know the one where everyone will get a tax cut, that he will not leave Iraq before we attain "victory", where "corruption" will be eliminated, and all the other promises he has been making. He has made a great commotion about some legislation and policies in the past but his efforts do not ring true when you look at his fundamental philosophy of promoting the welfare of corporations over the welfare of the Middle Class. He hob nobs around too much with rich friends--what is that saying "birds of a feather flock together"? You can't be much of a "maverick" when you don't even consider leaving "the Grand Ol' Party"--the Republican Party. A real maverick would mention doing so--like Lieberman, who actually did break with the Democratic party; though that was brought on by political expediency like losing a primary.
I have to question McCain's ethics. He and Palin are using smear tactics much as Bush did. Anyone doing that lacks moral fiber and I have to question his credibility about other things.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Turn Over of Anbar Province

The Bush administration has been very proud of its "surge" success but is self congratulations may be premature because of the recent turn over of Anbar Province to the Shia dominated Iraqi government.
Anbar has been a success story since the U.S. recognized Sunni self determination but that may change since the Shia have been at odds with the Sunnis for many generations and some Shia may see the turn over as an opportunity to pay back the Sunnis for their former harsh treatment of the Shias. It is a good chance that violence may flare up in the whole of Iraq if the U.S. relinquishes complete control of that portion of Iraq.
There is no real victory to be had in that region; our only hope will be to be able to leave that region without violence springing up soon after we leave and/or that Israel will not be attacked by a collalition of Iraq, Iran, and Syria--with maybe Egypt and Jordon joining in.


Thursday, September 04, 2008

Sarah Palin's Speech and More

Sarah Palin's speech was a good propaganda piece; sarcastic, humorous, finger pointing, glittering generalities, exaggerations, emotional appeals, and more of same. It was obvious that she had help writing it since she kept running concept into concept while delivering it; i.e. she lost continuity of thought a number of times and lost her timing and place in the speech.
Other points of criticim were that she glorified "the Hero" constantly and all the sacrifices a "hero" makes on behalf of "the People". She did what was expected of her and more I would say; though that crowd would have lauded the Three Stooges if they said anything near the Republican line. She will not threaten John McCain intellectually, like any of his choices would have, such as Mitt Romney or Hukabee. Furthermore she is shorter than McCain, just barely, unlike most of his other vice Presidential candidates who would have towered over him on the stage. Is she Vice Presidential material?
Well, I have heard she has her feet on the ground, headed up the PTA in her area, was a Mayor of a small town for 6 years, and was Governor of Alaska for less than two years, has a BA degree in Journalism. She sold off the governor's jet and eliminated the "Bridge to Nowhere", two major political accomplishments? Since she might have to step in and take over the role of Commander in Chief, act in national and/or international crises one might ask what books has she has read lately? Anything on international trade, managing the national budget, modern warfare, foreign cultures, etc.? Can she juggle her job and raise five children at the same time?
Her new job would require her to be available 24 hours a day, work long hours, attend public functions at awkward times, focus on the job during family crisis etc. Far different than governing a low population State.
If G.W. Bush is a good example of what happens when you vote in someone with mediocre abilities and questionable qualifications a McCain and Palin Presidency is a scary prospect.
