The U.S. Can Kiss the South West Goodbye?
If the response to Arizona's new law on Illegal Immigration Enforcement is an example, the future of the South Western U.S. in in jeopardy of losing its political and social integrity. We have seen it beginning with threats of economic and political boycott from adjacent States, racial organizations, marching in the streets, disinformation by such persons as Luis Gutierrez (D Ill.), Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews of MSNBC, Rachel Maddow of MSNBC, Rick Sanchez of CNN, Secretary of Homeland Security Napolitano, Kieth Obermann of MSNBC, Governor of New Mexico Richardson, and President Barack Obama. The TV media uses propaganda techniques such as "deck stacking", which deliberately emphasizes the supposed negatives of the legislation and deliberately mis-states the law; claiming that it racially discriminates against Mexicans and others from south of the border. The law specifically does not racially discriminate, stating that questions about immigration and nativity can only be asked during a stop for other reasons, not as a primary reason for the stop.
This begs the question, what will take place if "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" takes place. What happens if 12 to 20 million aliens are made legal and citizens? Not only does this tip the political balance but it potentially places that many and their offspring in the streets demonstrating against another effort to enforce a year 2020 "Comprehensive Immigration Reform". Where is the end of it? As time goes on it gets harder to put the genie back in the bottle. As it is it is almost impossible to enforce Immigration. Employers are still hiring illegals, no one can be questioned on the streets, no fences are being built, enforcement officers are few in numbers related to the area to be covered, States are discouraged from immigration enforcement, sanctuary cities exist, and E-verify is not being implemented fully. Immigration is broke for sure. Not because the laws are bad but because there is little resolve to enforce the existing laws. The fault lies with those in power and no new laws will fix that. The only answer will be after more killings take place, or when Al-Qaeda sends someone over the border to attack us.
Some questions I would like to hear asked are: What about immigration is broken? How do you intend to enforce interior enforcement in order to catch post "reform" illegal aliens? How do you intend to enforce illegal hirers of aliens? What penalties? Who will enforce the laws--States, federal officers? How much will all the paper work cost and who will do all the background checks etc.?
Labels: illegal immigration